Marque a afirmativa verdadeira sobre as fontes históricas.
Questões relacionadas
- Biologia
Células-tronco são células não especializadas que têm potencial de diferenciação, ou seja, em condições favoráveis, são capazes de gerar células especializadas e de diferentes tecidos.
Para que essa diferenciação ocorra, as células-tronco têm de alterar necessariamente o seguinte padrão do seu metabolismo:
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Qual é o valor da expressão 2 3 + 10 2 +
- Inglês - Fundamental | 06. As Frutas e os Legumes em Inglês
Look at the picture and answer the questions.
Write complete sentences.
A) Who has fruit for snack?
B) Who is having a salad?
- Língua Inglesa | 1.5 Interpretação de Música
Facebook Song lyrics
I wouldn’t call myself a social butterfly
And there’s not much that separates me from the other guy
But when I log in I begin to live
There’s an online world where I am king
Of a little website dedicated to me
With pictures of me and a list of my friends
And an unofficial record of the groups that I’m in
Before the internet, friendship was so tough
You actually had to be in people’s presence and stuff
Who would have thought that with a point and a click
I could know that Hope Floats is your favorite flick
I’m hooked on Facebook
I used to meet girls hanging out at the mall
Now I just wait for them to write on my wall
Oh! Link’s status changed, it says he’s playing the recorder...
How do you know this person?
Did you hook up with this person?
Do you need to request confirmation?
Or did you just think they looked cute...
From their picture on Facebook?
If the internet crashed all across the land
Or my Facebook account was deleted by the man
I’d carry around a picture of my face
And a summary of me typed out on a page
Adaptado de
the word tough can be replaced by
- Ciências - Fundamental | 01. Energia e suas transformações
Texto base: A energia eólica é uma fonte de energia renovável. Hoje no Brasil já existem centros de geração de energia que utilizam a força do vento. Leia:
Agora leia as frases sobre energia eólica e usinas eólicas e assinale a afirmativa verdadeira.