

Texto base: Read the following text. 


Student Resource Page: Brochure Format

     Many brochures use the following format to structure their message. The illustrations show two sides of a piece of paper that is folded in thirds.   Imagem  

Available at:< http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/curriculum/eighth/lesson2/brochure-format > Accessed on: May 20, 2015.     Imagem  

Available at: < www.zoxdesign.com/designs/tourism-tri-fold-best-travel-brochures/> Accessed on: May 20, 2015.  




  Comparing the model brochure and the real brochure, answer the questions.  

  1- What is the catchy headline in front panel of the real brochure?  

  2- What kind of information does this travel brochure have?  

  3- Which are the destinations and its prices in the real brochure?