Cuiabá, no Brasil, e La Paz, na Bolívia, são duas cidades da América do Sul que estão em latitudes semelhantes, mas são diferentes no aspecto climático. Observe a tabela abaixo.
Baseando-se na tabela e nos seus conhecimentos a respeito do clima, escolha a alternativa correta.
Questões relacionadas
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Juliana e seus pais saíram atrasados de casa para irem ao cinema, mas, por sorte, conseguiram chegar na hora exata em que o filme começou. Ao lado da bilheteria, havia um relógio que marcava o seguinte horário:
Juliana estranhou quando viu que, no ingresso do cinema, o horário do início do filme estava escrito de maneira diferente daquela que ela via no relógio da parede, mas logo lembrou-se de que aquele horário poderia ser lido de duas maneiras. Quais são elas?
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As grandes competições são reservadas aos grandes talentos e possibilitam a promoção de espetáculos que:
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- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Read this text about Yuri Gagarin.
Yuri was born on March 9, 1934 in Klushino, a small village 100 miles west of Moscow. His father was a cabinetmaker, carpenter, bricklayer, and farmer, and his mother was a milkmaid. Together they worked on a kolkhoz or collective farm. By Soviet social standards, his heritage was impeccable. He was the third of four children. During the war, the Nazis threw his family out of their home and took away two of his sisters. Yuri helped his parents dig a dugout where they lived untill the war was over, then the family moved to Gziatsk.
Yuri was subjected to extremely rigorous training: physical, mental, and psychological. He underwent long periods in a sensory deprivation chamber, experiments with weightlessness, endurance in heat chambers, and test flights under stress with every reaction monitored. […]
"During the days of preparation for the launch, when everyone had more than his share of concerns, apprehensions, and anxieties, he alone seemed to keep calm. More than that: he was full of good spirits and beamed like the sun."
On April 12, 1961 the first earthling escaped the gravity well of planet earth. In the spaceship Vostok 1, Senior Lieutenant Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin orbited earth one time at an altitude of 187 3/4 miles (302 kilometers) for 108 minutes at 18,000 miles an hour. He was the first man to see that the earth was indeed round, indeed mostly water, and indeed magnificent.
Following his return to earth, Yuri's triumphant walk through Red Square in front of a crowd of hundreds of thousands made him more nervous and afraid than his historic flight. As he reached the podium, the awaiting Valya tearfully whispered in his ear, "Our dream has come true, Yuri." Embracing her he replied, "You're a smart girl! Thank you!" [...]
Russian Archives Online
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 mar. 2014. (Fragmento)
Rewrite some clauses from the text in just one sentence and set the chronological order for the events according to the text. The beginning of each sentence was given.
A) Yuri helped his parents dig a dugout where they lived / the war was over.
Before the war was over, __________________________________________________________
B) Yuri was subjected to extremely rigorous training / He underwent long periods in a sensory deprivation chamber.
After Yuri had been subjected to extremely rigorous training ______________________________
C) Senior Lieutenant Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin orbited earth one time at an altitude of 187 3/4 miles (302 kilometers) for 108 minutes at 18,000 miles an hour / the first earthling escaped the gravity well of planet earth
When Senior Lieutenant Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin orbited earth ___________________________
D) He reached the podium / the awaiting Valya tearfully whispered in his ear: "Our dream has come true, Yuri."
After he had reached the podium, ___________________________________________________
- Matemática | 14.1 Posição e Poliedros
Uma família fez uma festa de aniversário e enfeitou o local da festa com bandeirinhas de papel. Essas bandeirinhas foram feitas da seguinte maneira: inicialmente, recortaram as folhas de papel em forma de quadrado, como mostra a Figura 1. Em seguida, dobraram as folhas quadradas ao meio sobrepondo os lados BC e AD, de modo que C e D coincidam, e o mesmo ocorra com A e B, conforme ilustrado na Figura 2. Marcaram os pontos médios O e N, dos lados FG e AF, respectivamente, e o ponto M do lado AD, de modo que AM seja igual a um quarto de AD. A seguir, fizeram cortes sobre as linhas pontilhadas ao longo da folha dobrada.
Após os cortes, a folha é aberta e a bandeirinha está pronta.
A figura que representa a forma da bandeirinha pronta é