Que relação há entre os textos e o respeito aos direitos dos cidadãos brasileiros ao longo dos anos?
Questões relacionadas
- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Spider-Man In Civil War, Spidey is 16-year-old kid in Queens who has never faced anything like Captain America or the Avengers before, so it’s kind of baffling why Tony thinks he’d be useful on his team. Yes, Spider-Man can do whatever a spider can and then some, but we’ve not seen the extent of his abilities yet. Can he stop a train going full speed by the power of his web? Can he lift debris a hundred times his size? If this were Toby Maguire’s Peter Parker, he’d be higher-up. But Tom Holland’s Spidey could be squashed like a bug. Available at: https://www.inverse.com/article/15197-power-ranking-the-avengers-fighting-skills-in-captain-america-civil-war. Accessed on: May 27, 2016. Glossary baffling = perplexing
Write down what the new Spider-Man from the movie Civil War has already done or has not done yet, according to the information given in this review.
- a) live in Queens - NY:
___ He has already lived in Queens - NY._____________________________________________
- b) do everything that a spider can do:
- c) face the Avengers:
- d) show all the extent of his abilities:
- e) stop a train at full speed:
- Biologia | 11.8 Sistema Sensorial
A retina é um tecido sensível à luz, localizado na parte posterior do olho, onde ocorre o processo de formação de imagem. Nesse tecido, encontram-se vários tipos celulares específicos. Um desses tipos celulares são os cones, os quais convertem os diferentes comprimentos de onda da luz visível em sinais elétricos, que são transmitidos pelo nervo óptico até o cérebro.
Disponível em: www.portaldaretina.com.br. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2012 (adaptado)
Em relação à visão, a degeneração desse tipo celular irá:
- Química | 3.3 Funções Orgânicas
A bile é produzida pelo fígado, armazenada na vesícula biliar e tem papel fundamental na digestão de lipídeos. Os sais biliares são esteroides sintetizados no fígado a partir do colesterol, e sua rota de síntese envolve várias etapas. Partindo do ácido cólico representado na figura, ocorre a formação dos ácidos glicocólico e taurocólico; o prefixo glico- significa a presença de um resíduo do aminoácido glicina e o prefixo tauro-, do aminoácido taurina.
A combinação entre o ácido cólico e a glicina ou taurina origina a função amida, formada pela reação entre o grupo amina desses aminoácidos e o grupo
- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Helping Teens Deal With Fears About the Future As your teenager looks beyond high school to life ahead of him, he may have fears about his future. And if your child has learning and attention issues, his path may seem especially uncertain. But if you can understand his fears, you can also help him manage them. Teenagers’ view of their futures evolves over time. From ages 13–15, they’re usually focused on their own needs and concerns. As they move through high school, from about ages 15–18, they start to dabble in adulthood. And when they’re 18–23, most young adults finally understand that their future success is up to them. As teens move toward young adulthood, they often feel the pressure of too much change in too short a period of time. This can lead to feeling worried or afraid. For example, they may fear: - Losing the support of parents and family as they become more independent. - Taking on the responsibilities of adulthood. It takes courage to face these fears. But facing them builds self-esteem. Running from fear (when there’s no real danger) can erode self-respect. Fear also has a function: It forces your child sit up and notice when something important is happening inside or around him. The best thing you can do for your child is to honor his fears. Anxiety is common among young adults with learning and attention issues. That’s because many of them have experienced frustration and confusion in school. Your child may expect failure. So new situations may cause him more anxiety than they do other people. […] By Victoria Scanlan Stefanakos. Understood for Learning & Attention Issues Available at: https://www.understood.org/en/school-learning/choosing-starting-school/leaving-high-school/helping-teens-deal-with-fears-about-the-future Accessed on: oct. 30, 2015.
What does the text say about each of these topics? Point out the author’s position for each of these items.
- a) Condition for parents help teenagers manage their fear: ___________________________________________
- b) Focus of 13/15-year-old teenagers: ___________________________________________________________
- c) Discovery of 18/23-year-old young adults: ______________________________________________________
- d) Function of fear: __________________________________________________________________________
- e) Most common fears of teenagers: ____________________________________________________________
- Biologia | 9.4 Fisiologia Vegetal
O plantio por estaquia é um método de propagação de plantas no qual partes de um espécime são colocadas no solo para produzir novas gerações. Na floricultura, é comum utilizar o caule das roseiras para estaquia, pois a propagação da planta é positiva em razão da aplicação de auxinas na porção inferior do caule.
A utilização de auxinas no método de estaquia das roseiras contribui para