Read the text. Princess Diana has two sons: William and Harry. Early in the morning of August 31, 1997, Princess Diana comes out of a hotel in Paris. A short time later, she is dead, in a car accident. Princess Diana is only thirty-six years old. William and Harry are on holiday at Balmoral with their father Charles. At 3 o’clock in the morning, Charles and the Queen know about the accident. The two young boys are sleeping. At 7:30, their father tells them about the accident. […] William likes driving. He likes skiing. He likes reading books and watching films. He likes animals, and he has a dog. ESCOTT, John. Prince William. Pearson Education Limited, 2006. p. 14 - 15. Adapted. Glossary
To come out – sair.
Dead – morto(a).
Holiday – férias, feriado.
To tell – contar.
To ski – esquiar.
Mark the correct option according to the text.