

Texto base:   Read the text and answer question. Ava Imagem Do you like school? It's ok.

What's it like? It's a small school. There are about 130 children. It’s very multicultural with kids from all over the world. We have a big playground and a new garden with native plants.

What's your favorite subject? Reading.

Do you play video games? Yes. What is a typical day like for you? I get up, have breakfast, and go to school. I sometimes go to after school care. In summer I go to the beach in the afternoon and sometimes in the morning before school. I often have wait around and watch my parents doing yoga in the afternoon. Then we go home, have dinner. I have a bath and go to bed.  I fit clarinet practice and homework in too.

Available at: http://kidsblogs.nationalgeographic.com/you-are-here/australia/about-this-blog.html. Access on: Sep. 20th 2012. (Fragment)


Read the text again and describe the school according to Ava’s opinion.
