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Read about the Winner below!




Your Name:  Seamus Gahan

Your Nickname(s):   Monkey

Your Breed:   West Highland Terrier

Where do you live:  Guildford, Surrey England 

Your Favorite Food or Treat:  Carrots and beef

Your Favorite Toy:  Chicken or pig

Your Favorite Thing to do:   Bark at squirrels and cats and walk in the woods

The one thing you do that makes your mom/dad crazy:   B arking at squirrels and cats.

The one thing you do that makes humans melt with love:   By making my cute faces.

As the winner of Canine’s DOG OF THE MONTH Contest, I would like to thank my mommy Julie, my daddy Ryan and my sisters Autumn and Carissa. And my doggy friends Shiba, Domino and Lola.



Copy from the text the nickname of the dog of the month  winner. __________________________________