Match animals and their names.
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(UERJ) No admirável mundo novo das oportunidades fugazes e das seguranças frágeis, a sabedoria popular foi rápida em perceber os novos requisitos. Em 1994, um cartaz espalhado pelas ruas de Berlim ridicularizava a lealdade a estruturas que não eram mais capazes de conter as realidades do mundo: “Seu Cristo é judeu. Seu carro é japonês. Sua pizza é italiana. Sua democracia, grega. Seu café, brasileiro. Seu feriado, turco. Seus algarismos, arábicos. Suas letras, latinas. Só o seu vizinho é estrangeiro”.
ZygmunT Bauman Adaptado de Identidade. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2005.
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Texto base: 10510163
Read the text. What’s Really Behind Jealousy, and What to Do About It I recently saw the following quote on Twitter: “The people who are really in love get jealous over stupid things.” I was surprised to see this misconception so deeply ingrained. Jealousy is not a sign of love. But if it’s not, then what really motivates jealousy? Low self-esteem; a general tendency to be anxious and emotionally unstable; feelings of insecurity and possessiveness; dependence on your partner; fear that you’re not good enough for your partner and that your partner will leave you or won’t love you enough. All of these factors that relate to jealousy are about the insecurities of the jealous people, not about the love they have for their partner. You should realize that your partner’s jealousy isn’t about you; it’s about them. Sometimes jealousy is justified: If your partner has had an affair and has betrayed your trust, for example, that is a serious problem. If you are jealous because you’re involved with someone who doesn’t want monogamy, while you do, then your jealous feelings may be a good reason to leave the relationship and seek someone whose relationship objectives are more compatible with yours. But when you get jealous over “stupid things,” you’re not showing love; you’re revealing your own insecurities. SEIDMAN, Gwendolyn. What’s Really Behind Jealousy, and What to Do About It.
Available at: < -and-what-do-about-it>. May 5th, 2017. Adapted.
Misconception – equívoco.
Ingrained – arraigado; enraizado.
Self-esteem – autoestima.
Unstable – instável.
Insecurity – insegurança.
Fear – medo.
To realize – perceber.
To justify – justificar.
Affair – caso.
To betray – trair.
To seek – procurar.
According to the text, what can be said about jealousy?
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Read the information about the children and complete the sentences.
A) I’m eight years old. My name is _________________________________________________________.
B) When is your birthday, Fred? My birthday is in ______________________________________________.
C) My birthday is on Christmas. I’m _________________________________________________________.
D) I’m eleven years old. I’m _______________________________________________________________.
E) My birthday is on the Independence Day. My name is _________________________________________.
F) How old are you, David? I’m ____________________________________________________________.
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