Texto base: TEXT 1 Read the following texts and answer question. Julia Krapohl, GERMANY
“I had many great experiences at inlingua, such as the big BBQ on Friday at the beach. I improved my English clearly day to day. Besides, Vancouver is a very nice city and you can visit a lot of beautiful places here.” Adnan Al-Ramel, SAUDI ARABIA “I studied at inlingua for 3 months. It’s a very exciting school, and I learned a lot of English. I made a lot of friends from a lot of countries, and the teachers are very friendly. I hope to come to inlingua again!!!” Laurence Buchs, SWITZERLAND
“My student life in inlingua Vancouver was very exciting. I’m completely falling in love with Vancouver, and I’m sure I will come back again! Special thanks to my three teachers, Alicia, Antoinette and Mike. See you!”
Available at: http://www.inlinguavancouver.com/about/testimonials/ Accessed on: 23, Dec. 2013.
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