

37. Texto base:  .


Observe la imagen a seguir.


Disponible en http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSvvmcg_S63lJQhgI4c9YY82aD3ppkIhuQynKtuDFKw271KXpLrDw.Acceso el 18 de abril  de 2011


La imagen es un (a) 

Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.
Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.
Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.
Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.