

Analise as coordenadas geográficas dos pontos A e B destacados na figura.


Disponível em: <https://www.google.com.br/search?q=coordenadas+geograficas&hl=pt-PT&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa-/>. Acesso em: 16 set. 2012.


As coordenadas geográficas correspondentes aos pontos A e B são, respectivamente,

Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.
Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.
Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.
Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.