Texto para a questão.
Os dois textos tratam de:
Questões relacionadas
- Língua Inglesa | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Political activism
Earlier this year I had the privilege to sit in on a
lunch discussion with James Carroll, a Boston Globe
columnist who was visiting my university to give a
speech on his latest book. The dialogue eventually
[5] came around to discussing the differences between
youth protests today and those during the 1960s. He
suggested that youth in the latter period had more of
an influence than today simply because they were
able to involve politicians in their rallies, petitions
[10] and causes. Conversely, when today’s youth hold a
demonstration in front of a parliament building or
contest a particular aspect of an institution, their forms
of protest lack influence to cause change because
they do not have any political figures or individuals
[15] involved in their particular protest.
At this point, the issue of how we as youth can
attract politicians to become part of our campaigns
and protests in order to successfully effect political
change should be explored. First, we as Canadian
[20] youth must become involved in organizations and
groups that address current social and political issues
that affect us. Involvement increases youth awareness
and influence. Groups or organizations that deal
with issues such as the environment, poverty, gender
[25] equality and others that may be of interest to you
are worth joining. Organizational involvement gives
youth a platform from which to express their opinions
about issues of importance.
Involvement does not have to be centred on issues
[30] on a grand scale; more local events may persuade
you to get involved. Joining an organization that is
dedicated to, for example, preventing the closing of
a local public school or big box stores from entering
the neighbourhood, are also avenues where engaged
[35] youth can make a difference. By simply involving
ourselves with these issues and organizations, we
allow ourselves the opportunity to meet people of
influence, whether they be politicians or others who
have a direct influence on social and political events
[40] in our communities, cities, provinces or country.
Involvement in community issues and political
campaigns are great opportunities to gain access
to individuals such as politicians and community
leaders. These connections can then be used in our
[45] favour when attempting to advance our own cause
or demonstrations. Any argument will have a greater
influence when it is supported by members of the
political community.
If you are dedicated to making a difference in your
[50] community, or are dedicated to a cause and are
frustrated that your voice is not being heard, try to
acquire political leaders’ attention and aid in pursuing
causes that affect and concern youth. Our young
political ancestors of the 1960s did this effectively; it
[55] is time that the youth of the current generation learn
from their example and attempt to gain established
political support for our causes.
Faust http://www.apathyisboring.com/
Involvement in community issues and political campaigns are great opportunities to gain access to individuals such as politicians and community leaders. (l. 41-44)
The fragment above highlights the importance of:
- Geografia | A. Globalização
(FUVEST 2014 1° FASE) O local e o global determinam-se reciprocamente, umas vezes de modo congruente e consequente, outras de modo desigual e desencontrado. Mesclam-se e tensionam-se singularidades, particularidades e universalidades. Conforme Anthony Giddens, “A globalização pode assim ser definida como a intensificação das relações sociais em escala mundial, que ligam localidades distantes de tal maneira que acontecimentos locais são modelados por eventos ocorrendo a muitas milhas de distância e vice-versa. Este é um processo dialético porque tais acontecimentos locais podem se deslocar numa direção inversa às relações muito distanciadas que os modelam. A transformação local é, assim, uma parte da globalização”.
Octávio Ianni, Estudos Avançados. USP. São Paulo, 1994. Adaptado.
Neste texto, escrito no final do século XX, o autor refere-se a um processo que persiste no século atual. A partir desse texto, pode-se inferir que esse processo leva à
- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Texto base: Book: Little Women Alcott’s story begins with the four March girls—Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy—sitting in their living room, lamenting their poverty. The girls decide that they will each buy themselves a present in order to brighten their Christmas. Soon, however, they change their minds and decide that instead of buying presents for themselves, they will buy presents for their mother, Marmee. Marmee comes home with a letter from Mr. March, the girls’ father, who is serving as a Union chaplain in the Civil War. The letter inspires the girls to bear their burdens more cheerfully and not to complain about their poverty.
Available at: http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/littlewomen/summary.html. Accessed on: Nov 8, 2016.
According to the plot of this classic American novel, Little Women, complete the following statements.
a) Marmee is Meg's ________________________________.
b) The girls are Mr. March's
c) Mr. March and Marmee are married, they are _________________________ and They don't have __________________________, only daughters.
d) Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy are ____________________________. They don't have any ______________________.
e) Mr. March and Marmee are the girls' _____________________________.
f) If Marmee had a brother, he would be the girls' ________________________.
g) If Mr. March had a sister, she would be the girls' ________________________.
- História - Fundamental | 05.3. Registros da história: a nossa cultura
Quando o sistema de escravidão chegou ao fim, a partir do século XIX, os negros não tinham capacidade de organização para defenderem seus direitos de novos cidadãos. Desde as últimas décadas do século XX, essa situação vem se modificando. Várias organizações e associações de defesa dos direitos dos negros ou dos afrodescendentes estão surgindo.
O dia 20 de novembro foi declarado o Dia da Consciência Negra. Nesse dia, as principais organizações e associações de defesa dos direitos dos negros se reúnem para discutir sobre a exclusão social dos negros ou afrodescendentes no Brasil. Em 21 de novembro de 2003, foi inaugurada em São Paulo a Universidade Zumbi dos Palmares, a primeira de inclusão de afrodescendentes na América Latina. A Universidade destinou metade de suas vagas para os alunos negros que pagam mensalidades bem baratas.
Disponível em: www.ciencianao.usp.br. Acesso em: 31 jul. 2012.
a) Preencha o quadro a seguir comparando a organização política dos negros desde a abolição até os dias atuais.
b) Explique porque o Dia da Consciência Negra é importante para a sociedade brasileira.
c) Avalie a importância da Universidade Zumbi dos Palmares para a superação de situação da exclusão social do negro no Brasil.
- Física | 5.4 Ondas Sonoras
(UESB) Considere uma corda de um violão, com densidade linear de 0,50 g/m, fixada entre o cavalete e o extremo do braço, que estão separados por uma distância de 50,0 cm. Sabendo-se que a corda é posta a vibrar no modo fundamental com frequência de 300,0 Hz, é correto afirmar que a tração na corda, em N, é igual a