Texto base:
Read the following text.
Pigs leap from a diving platform at Shiyan Lake in Changsha, Hunan Province.Credit Hunan Daily Pigs still cannot fly, but they can dive. With summer almost here, swine across China are jumping or being shoved off platforms and splashing into pools and ponds, where they bob around before paddling to shore. […] Aquatic swine are not exclusive to China. Australia has a family with diving pigs, and in the Bahamas you can frolic in the surf with them. But China’s rural entrepreneurs have turned the pursuit into a tourist draw and a selling point for pork. Proponents say that diving pigs are healthier, leaner and tastier.
Pigs paddle for first place in a diving and swimming competition at Shiyan Lake in Changsha.Credit Hunan Daily B y Chris Buckley. May 6, 2015. Available at: <sinosphere.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/05/06/in-china-pigs-are-almost –flying/> Accessed on: May 11, 2015. Glossário: Shoved off: empurrados Bob around:acompanham a água Frolic: brincar
Complete the text using the prepositions of movement: into – over – across – down.
Pigs are not really flying (1) __________________ the sky. Pigs are jumping (2) _________________________ platforms and splashing (3) _________________ ponds. They can swim (4) _____________________ the pond or dive.
What’s the correct order?