O texto a seguir descreve a divisão de trabalho entre os indígenas da nação tupi. Leia-o para responder à questão. As mulheres ocupavam-se com os trabalhos agrícolas e com as atividades de coleta, colaboravam nas pescarias, indo buscar peixes flechados pelos homens, transportavam produtos das caçadas, aprisionavam as formigas voadoras, fabricavam as farinhas, preparavam as raízes e o milho para a produção do cauim, fabricavam o azeite de coco, fiavam o algodão e teciam as redes, trançavam os cestos e cuidavam da cerâmica. HOLANDA, Sérgio Buarque de (Org.). História Geral da Civilização
Brasileira. São Paulo: Difel, 1976.Tomo I, v. I, p. 75.
Com base no texto acima, é possível afirmar que a nação tupi
Questões relacionadas
- Língua Inglesa | 1. Interpretação de Textos
Teens, tech and tides of history: new gadgets can be hard to swallow
Humans seem to take very well to inventions that simply make everyday life easier and more convenient
– the light bulb, the flush toilet and sliced bread, for instance. However, inventions that alter the way
we communicate and entertain ourselves seem harder for our species to swallow gracefully.
“Radio is a medium of entertainment which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the
[5] same time, and yet remain lonesome” - T.S. Eliot*, a student of alienation, declared in the early days
of the wireless. This impulse that new is worse, when combined with the eternal concern about “kids
today”, goes far in explaining why grown-ups worry so much about the weird things kids today do with
technological gadgets and gizmos.
As Eliot imagined that listening to songs and gags at home instead of in theaters, pubs and parks
[10] would be a sad, isolating escapade, I can’t see how a virtual community can be a real community;
how chatting with someone online is like hanging out with a neighbor, or how “IMing” is meaningful
communication. I can’t believe that reality television, video games or the search for the coolest ring
tone are proper substitutes for, well, anything.
In today’s society, teens are inundated with gadgets. Most teenagers would probably admit their days
[15] are filled with text messaging friends, talking on their cell phones, playing electronic games, listening
to MP3 players, blogging on MySpace, watching television, surfing the Internet or doing any number of
other activities involving media technology. Unfortunately, most of these electronic activities increase
teens’ individualistic behavior by lessening their opportunity to have face-to-face relationship building
[20] Some parents feel they cannot limit their child’s use of electronic gadgets for many reasons. Perhaps
the electronic device is being used to keep track of a teen’s whereabouts, the item was a gift, the teen
bought the gadget himself or parents say they feel hypocritical because they are modeling the very
behavior they’re asking their kids to stop doing. Still, these technological concerns should not hinder
a parent from helping their child socialize and participate in outdoor activities when it comes to media
[25] madness.
I have a large measure of confidence that future archeologists and historians will conclude that
innovations such as a code-speak called “Instant Messaging”, or a music box called “iPod” or a makebelieve
room called “MySpace” inexorably set us on a path of alienation and individualism.
DICK MEYER www.cbsnews.com
I have a large measure of confidence that future archeologists and historians will conclude that innovations such as a code-speak called “Instant Messaging”, or a music box called “iPod” or a makebelieve room called “MySpace” inexorably set us on a path of alienation and individualism. (ℓ. 26-28)
The underlined segment has the function of:
- Física | 3.2 Dilatação
Duas barras metálicas, X e Y mesmo comprimento (I) em temperatura ambiente T0 são aquecidas uniformemente até uma temperatura T.Os materiais das barras têm coeficientes de dilatação linear, respectivamente:
Os quai são positivos e podem ser considerados constantes no intervalo de temperatura.
Na figura abaixo, a reta tracejada X representa o acréscimo relativo
no comprimento da barra x em função da variação da temperatura.
Sabendo que:
Assinale a alternativa que indica a reta que melhor representa o acréscimo no comprimento da barra em função da variação da temperatura.
- Matemática - Fundamental | 11. Figuras Geométricas Planas
Leia as informações abaixo para responder à questão
Maurício resolveu construir um robô, usando um tipo resistente de papelão e cola. Para fazer o corpo, ele recortou três partes de papelão conforme a figura:
Maurício deseja saber quantos centímetros quadrados de papelão ele precisa para construir o corpo do robô. Sabendo que cada círculo possui aproximadamente 30 centímetros quadrados, quanto de papelão ele precisa?
- Matemática - Fundamental | 34. Medida de volume
Texto base:
Imagine que o cubo mágico da figura seja formado por camadas de cubinhos. O volume desse cubo mágico usando o cubinho como unidade de medida é
- Língua Portuguesa - Fundamental | 22. Letra H
"H" com som.
Complete as palavras abaixo corretamente usando "CH", "NH", "LH".
____oram, ni___o, pa___aço
___apéu, fini___o, mo___ado