Texto base: Texto para à questão. Uma fábrica de tecidos tece, por dia, 2340 metros de brim e embala o material em peças de 60 metros de comprimento. A fábrica funciona de segunda a sexta-feira e mantém sempre essa mesma produção.
Quantas peças de 60 metros a fábrica embala por dia?
Questões relacionadas
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(FATEC) Nos séculos finais da Baixa Idade Média europeia, a economia de subsistência e de trocas naturais tendia a ser suplantada pela economia monetária, a influência das cidades passou a prevalecer sobre os campos, e a dinâmica de comércio levou à mudança e à ruptura das corporações de ofício medievais.
(SEVCENKO, Nicolau. O Renascimento. São Paulo: Atual, 1988, p.5. Adaptado)
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Texto base: Text for question. Crystal Cruises - Luxury Every Day
Come and sail on a Crystal Cruise ship. We have three ships: The Crystal Queen, The Crystal Princess, The Crystal Palace. Come and sail in luxury on cruises around the Caribbean Sea for 7 or 14 days. Our seven-day cruise costs $2000 and our two-week cruise is $3500. A typical one week cruise: • Day One - departure from Miami; • Day Two - free day in Nassau, in The Bahamas; • Day Three - near Haiti; • Day Four - visit Puerto Rico and Antigua; • Day Five - free day in Barbados; • Day Six - free day in Port of Spain, Trinidad; • Day Seven - travel to Caracas, Venezuela; • Day Eight - fly home. All food and drink is included in the price of your cruise (except for alcoholic drinks). Our cruise ships all have a casino, a movie theater, a five-star restaurant, a theater, a library and a fully equipped gymnasium. If you prefer to go on a cruise in another part of the world, we also organize cruises in the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean. Our ships carry over 2000 passengers and we have nearly 600 crew members. So come on board today for the holiday of a lifetime! Call immediately: 020-4455832
Adapted from: <www.esl-lounge.com/student/reading/2r3-caribbean-cruise.php>. Accessed on: June 11th, 2014.
Read the text and the sentences about it. Which sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Mark the correct alternative below.
I. Your cruise starts in the Bahamas.
II. You can go on a cruise for two weeks.
III. There is a cinema on board each ship.
IV. You can keep fit while you are on board the cruise ship.
V. The company only organizes cruises in the Caribbean.
VI.The one-week cruise finishes in a country in North America.
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