Veja o preço do fogão.
Para pagar esse fogão em dinheiro usando apenas cédulas de 10 e de 100 reais, obtendo troco inferior a 10 reais, um comprador pode usar
Questões relacionadas
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Read the text about Sam Lester and complete it with the verbs in the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
A hardworking guy
Leonardo Nunes ________ (live) in São Paulo, Brazil and ________ (have) a full-time job in an office. He ________ (go) to college in the evening every week day and at the moment he _________ (try) to save some money to go on an exchange program, so he __________ (work) in a snack bar at weekends, too. He __________ (earn) about three hundred reais at the snack bar every weekend. He _________ (work) all day on Saturdays and in the evening on Sundays.
This is what he says about his job and his plans. “I _________(serve) the customers and I sometimes ________ (help) to clean the shop at the end of the day on Saturdays. It__________ (be) not really a difficult job, but I (get) very tired because I ___________ (not / have) the weekends to rest. But going on an exchange program is my dream so I want to do my best to make it come true as soon as possible.”
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Observe como João organiza os carrinhos de sua coleção.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 28 mar. 2013.
Para brincar com os carrinhos, João tem miniaturas de bonecos. Para cada carrinho, João tem dois bonequinhos.
Então, o número de bonequinhos é:
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Leia o texto a seguir.
A) Retire do texto três produtos naturais.
B) Explique por que esses produtos são naturais.
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Analise o preço de alguns produtos e responda o que se pede.
Carolina comprou uma máquina de cortar cabelo e pagou com 3 notas de 20 reais. Qual foi o troco?
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Texto base: Read the text and answer the question. Facts About Goal Setting It takes time for a change to become an established habit. It will probably take a couple of months before any changes — like getting up half an hour early to exercise — become a routine part of your life. That's because your brain needs time to get used to the idea that this new thing you're doing is part of your regular routine. Available at: <> Accessed on Oct 25th 2013.
The objective of this text is to show that