Antônio faz bolos de aniversário. Ele usa como base uma receita de pão de ló. As quantidades de ingredientes para fazer a receita de pão de ló estão na tabela a seguir.
1 bolo
2 bolos
3 bolos
4 bolos
5 bolos
6 ovos
12 ovos
2 xícaras de chá de açúcar
3 xícaras de chá de farinha de trigo
1 xícara de suco de laranja
1 colher de sopa de fermento em pó
Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 maio 2015.
Preencha a tabela com quantidade de ingredientes necessária em cada situação.
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Galapagos Islands
The Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean are one of the natural wonders of the world. One thousand kilometers from the South American coast, the Galapagos are home to many rare animals, such as giant tortoises, sea birds and dolphins.
The islands first became famous in 1859 when Charles Darwin, the British naturalist, who helped develop the theory of evolution, wrote about them in his book, On the Origin of Species. When Darwin visited the islands, he found there a key to ‘that great mystery of mysteries – the first appearance of new life on this earth’.
Today the islands belong to Ecuador, and 97% of the area is a national park. However, despite this protection, the park is in danger. The most serious threat comes from illegal fishing, which is slowly destroying marine life. Every day illegal nets trap and kill sharks, pelicans and dolphins.
Another threat comes from animals brought over by people who have come to live on the islands. Dogs and cats eat the sea birds, and rats and pigs eat turtle eggs. Getting these animals off the island is difficult and expensive.
Although tourism is seen as a positive thing, it also has caused problems. The population of Galapagos is growing fast with people from the mainland looking for jobs. Unfortunately the islands’ resources can’t support this growth.
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Source: CAMPBELL, Colin; Rodger Sohna, Gude Kathy & Duckworth Michel
Matrix Pre-intermediate Workbook – Oxford University Press.
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Leia o texto 6, a seguir, e responda:
Texto 6
No penúltimo quadrinho, a palavra LOOOOOONNNGO foi escrita dessa forma, de modo a