Ronaldo estava soltando pipa quando ela bateu na rede elétrica, eletrocutando-o e deixando-o preso à descarga elétrica.
O sargento Magano, do corpo de bombeiros, vendo a situação, utilizou um material para tirar Ronaldo do perigo de morte sem, contudo, colocar a própria vida em risco.
Magano utilizou o seguinte material:
Questões relacionadas
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(UFRGS) Observe a figura abaixo:
Em relação à figura apresentada, assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do enunciado abaixo, na ordem em que aparecem. O uso de lixões a céu aberto nas cidades causa problemas ao ambiente e à saúde pública. Alternativas a essa prática, para resíduos especiais como os hospitalares, como __________ e __________ podem reduzir o impacto ambiental.
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TIMOTHY, G. Rebelião a sangue frio. Folha de S. Paulo, 22 nov. 2009.
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Texto base: Text for question
Man has always scribbled and drawn on walls: for example, the graffiti of prehistoric man has become a museum piece. If man draws on walls now, his graffiti does not become a museum piece. It is wiped off walls as soon as it is put there. Yet aerosol art has become a serious business to a growing number of young people and their messages are on the wall – in the same way as prehistoric man used to use his cave wall painting as a way of communicating. Graffiti art, or graff to use its slang or popular name, takes a number of forms. It can be an individual scribble, often just the initials of the artist, or something which is much larger, and like a mural. Each artist has her or his own tag, or signature, and each piece of graff is tagged. For some artists, graff is a reaction, while for others it is a thought-out expression. Either way, the graffiti has the personal stamp of the young person on it and it is an expression of her or his feelings. The motivation behind a piece of graff can be happiness or sadness, frustration or relief. For this reason, graff is very close to the hearts of young people. Graffiti has existed since ancient times, but as a youth-culture manifestation, it has its roots in America, and nowadays it has spread all over the world. Its influences include pop music and cartoons. Some of it is so creative that art dealers started to show an interest in it.
Read the statements and mark the correct alternative according to the text.
I. Graffiti has the same main objective as prehistoric cave paintings had. ( )
II. Some artists do not tag their pieces of graffiti. ( )
III. All pieces of graffiti carry a reaction on them. ( )
IV. Graffiti pieces as youth manifestation were influenced by other artistic genres. ( )