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Questões relacionadas
- Língua Inglesa | 2.05 Adjetivos
(PUC-RIO) Driverless automobiles - The car that parks itself
CARS that need no driver are just around the corner according to researchers who have been testing vehicles bristling with aerials and cameras on public roads in America. However, researchers do not make cars, so it will be up to firms that do to bring the technology to market. And carmakers are a conservative bunch. Still, slowly and steadily the autonomous car will arrive, with the help of an increasing number of automated driving aids. A Swedish carmaker has recently demonstrated one such feature: a car that really does park itself.
Some cars already have systems that assist with parking, but these are not completely autonomous. They can identify an empty parallel-parking space and steer into it while the driver uses the brake. The Swedish system, however, lets the driver get out and use a smartphone application to instruct the vehicle to park. The car then 1trundles off, manoeuvres into a parking place and sends a message to the driver to inform him where it is. The driver can collect the car in person or use his phone to call it back to where he dropped it off. Autonomous parking could thus be provided at places like shopping centers and airports, which are controlled areas in which automated vehicles can be managed more easily than on open highways. In the past, designs for doing this have relied on car parks being fitted with buried guide wires that a vehicle can follow to an empty bay. That, though, creates 2a chicken-and-egg problem: car-park operators will not invest in such infrastructure until there is a sufficient number of suitably equipped cars on the road. Drivers, conversely, will not want to buy self-parking cars if there is nowhere to use them.
This means, as a safety engineer working on the project observes, that for autonomous parking to work most of the technology will have to be in the car itself. The test car, which looks like a normal car, therefore uses on-board GPS mapping, cameras with image-recognition software, and radar sensors to find its own way around a car park and avoid pedestrians and non-autonomous vehicles. The same engineer says the system is five to ten years from commercial deployment. If it proves a success then infrastructure might adapt to it, for instance by packing cars into tighter spaces. If there is no one in them there is no need to make room for their doors to open.
Driverless cars would also need to communicate with one another, to enhance safety. That, too, is coming. 3A number of carmakers are developing wireless networking systems through which vehicles can exchange data, such as their speed, their steering angle and even their weight, to forewarn anti-collision systems and safety devices if an accident looks likely.
In the USA, for example, a carmaker recently tested a brake light that can provide an early warning to other motorists. If the brakes are applied hard in an emergency, a signal is broadcast. This illuminates a warning light in the dashboard of suitably equipped following vehicles, even if they are out of sight around a bend or not immediately behind the vehicle doing the braking.
The American company has been testing this system as part of a collaborative research project with several European carmakers. 4They have put a fleet of 150 experimental vehicles on the roads. When they tested a group of these, the Americans found the technology let drivers brake much earlier, helping avoid collisions. A driverless car would be able to react even faster.
Another member of the research group has been testing driverless cars on roads around Munich— including belting down some of Germany’s high-speed autobahns. 5The ordinary-looking models use a variety of self-contained guidance systems. These include cameras mounted on the upper windscreen, which can identify road markings, signs and various obstacles likely to be encountered on roads.
The German cars also use a radar, to gauge how far the vehicle is from other cars and potential obstacles, and a lidar, which works like a radar but at optical frequencies. The lidar employs laser beams to scan the road ahead and builds up from the reflections a three-dimensional image of what this looks like. The image is processed by a computer in the vehicle, which also collects and compares data from a high-accuracy GPS unit. A series of ultrasonic sonars similar to those used in vehicles to provide parking assistance are placed around the car to add to the virtual picture. And just to make sure, a set of accelerometers provide an inertial navigation system that double-checks the vehicle’s position on the road.
6Although these cars can be switched to an autonomous driving mode, they are still required to have someone in the driving seat who can take over in the event of any difficulty. Some cars can steer themselves, slow down, brake and accelerate, even changing lanes to overtake slower vehicles.From the print edition: Science and Technology Jun 29th 2013
The author uses the phrasal verb “trundles off” (ref. 1) that could be replaced by:
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Leia os dois textos a seguir para responder à questão.
Texto 1
Você sabia que a ameaça à biodiversidade é também uma ameaça à espécie humana? Produção de remédios, água potável, quantidade e qualidade dos alimentos, saúde e segurança. Tudo isso é indispensável à vida humana hoje, concorda? Pois é, mas só protegendo a natureza – da qual fazemos parte, juntamente com outros seres vivos – é que a humanidade garante de fato a sua sobrevivência. Isso porque a nossa vida depende da interação com outras espécies e, mesmo sem perceber, necessitamos de biodiversidade para ter qualidade de vida. Silvana Amaral, Ciência Hoje das Crianças, ano 23, n. 214. Rio de Janeiro: SBPC, jul. 2010.
Texto 2
Biodiversidade (bi-o-di-ver-si-da-de) s.f. – Ecol. Conjunto composto pela variedade de espécies animais e vegetais em determinada região. (A biodiversidade não é distribuída igualmente pela Terra, pois depende do clima, da altitude, da disponibilidade energética e hídrica das regiões; por isso tende a ser maior nos trópicos). Saraiva jovem: dicionário de língua portuguesa ilustrado. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010.
No trecho, “... é também uma ameaça à espécie humana?”, as palavras em destaque podem ser substituídas, mantendo o mesmo sentido da frase, por
- Língua Espanhola | 1. Interpretação de Textos
Black Mirror
[1] Actualmente vivimos en una sociedad globalizada y
modernizada. Internet se ha convertido en una herramienta
indispensável en la sociedad, tanto que no nos imaginamos la
[4] vida sin su existencia. Há traído grandes aportes, como la
posibilidad de estar informado a cualquier hora. Por otra parte,también
ha provocado conflictos entre las personas, creando una
[7] gran adicción y la facilidad de meternos en la vida privada de los
Todas las consecuencias negativas de las nuevas
[10] Tecnologías aparecen reflejadas de forma satírica en la miniserie
Espelho Negro. La serie nos muestra cómo la tecnología ha
afectado a nuestras vidas, hasta el punto que en ocasiones saca lo
[13] Peor de Nosotros. Em forma de thriller político podemos observar,en
capítulos totalmente independientes, situaciones en las que se
Muestran las vidas de los distintos personajes dependientes de las
[16] Nuevas tecnologías.
O capítulo intitulado Tu Historia Completa plantea una
sociedad similar a la de la película Minority Report, donde las
[19] personas tienen injertado en su cabeza un chip que se encarga de
guardar y almacenar todos los momentos vividos para así poder
visualizarlos siempre que se quiera. Es uno de los mejores y más
[22] Profundos episódios da série, com um guia sólido e
interesante, que hace que sea un capítulo redondo y entretenido.
Su mensaje está claro, la necesidad de fotografiar todos los
[25] momentos de nuestra vida, para después subirlos a redes sociales
como Instagram, para que el resto de la gente pueda verlos, en
vez de disfrutar de lo que verdaderamente importa, las personas
[28] Con las que estamos y nuestro alrededor.
Black Mirror no es cómoda de ver. Te guste o no, no
Dejará indiferente a Nadie.
Internet: <lasventajasdeseruncritico wordpress com> (con adaptaciones)
En conformidad con las ideas del texto presentado arriba, juzgue lo ítem a seguir.
É possível sustituir el fragmento "Há traído grandes aportes" (l.4) por Trajo importantes cambios, sin que exista ninguna pérdida gramatical ni semántica en el texto.