(CEFET-MG) Raízes, caules, flores, folhas, sementes e frutos estão presentes apenas nas:
Questões relacionadas
- Filosofia | 4.4 Iluminismo
[...] que me mostrem alguma monarquia sobre a terra na qual as leis, a justiça distributiva, os direitos da humanidade tenham sido mais respeitados e onde se tenham feito coisas mais benéficas para o bem público do que sob os cinquenta e cinco anos do reinado de Luís XIV!
VOLTAIRE. Siècle de Louis XIV. Tomes I‑II. In: M. BEUCHOT (ed.). Œuvres de Voltaire. Tomes XIX‑XX. Paris: Lefèvre, 1830. p. 1110. (adaptado)
O povo engana‑se na escolha bem menos que o príncipe, e um homem de verdadeiro mérito é quase tão raro num ministério [monárquico] quanto um tolo à frente de um governo republicano.
ROUSSEAU, Jean‑Jacques. Du Contrat Social. Livre I. Chapitre 3. 1762. (adaptado)
Os pontos de vista defendidos pelos filósofos iluministas são divergentes em relação ao(à)
- Literatura | 4.2 Realismo
No conto “O espelho”, de Machado de Assis, o esboço de uma nova teoria sobre a dupla natureza da alma humana é apresentado por Jacobina. A personagem narra a situação em que se viu sozinha na casa da tia Marcolina.
“As horas batiam de século a século no velho relógio da sala, cuja pêndula, tic-tac, tic-tac, feria-me a alma interior como um piparote contínuo da eternidade.”
Considerando os indicadores da passagem do tempo na citação, é correto afirmar que
- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Look at the picture and read the text.
How to prevent common cycling injuries
It’s not uncommon for cyclists to encounter nagging injuries. The good news is that most of the common cycling injuries are preventable. You’ll soon discover themes among preventing many of the injuries:
- Make sure your bike fits you
- Train wisely
- Increase your strength off the bike
- Stretch
Not only will these things make you a stronger cyclist, they will greatly reduce your risk of injury. Who wants to be sidelined from cycling? (Silence…) This is especially true of any products, but also true for fitness programs in general, but be sure that you know how to properly use any item or equipment before using it. If you don’t use it the right way, you can end up doing yourself more harm than good! Available at https://www.pedalgoa.com/fitness/cycling/prevent-common-cycling-injuries/ Access on 26 April, 2018.
Label the parts of the cyclist body where is more common to encounter nagging injuries.
- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Read the following text to answer the question.
KELLY, Miles. My first question and answer book. Essex: Miles Kelly Publishing, 2012. p. 467.
Captain Hook is the villain in Peter Pan. Match these questions to their answers.
1. Was the Peter Pan story written by Captain Hook?
2. Was Captain Hook a pirate?
3. Was Peter Pan written by J.M. Barrie?
4. Was Captain Hook a crocodile?
( ) Yes, it was.
( ) No, it wasn’t.
( ) No, he wasn’t.
( ) Yes, he was.
- Língua Inglesa | 1.4 Reading Strategies
Languages and cultures use non-verbal communication which conveys meaning. Although many gestures are similar in Thai and English such as nodding for affirmation many others are not shared. A good example of this is the ubiquitous "Thai smile". The "smile" carries a far wider range of meanings in Thai than it does in English culture. This can sometimes lead to serious communication breakdowns between Thais and English speakers.
An example from my own early experience in Thailand illustrates the point. When confronting the Thai owner of a language school with administrative problems, complaints regarding student numbers in the class were met by a beaming smile and little else. I took this to mean lack of concern or an attempt to trivialise or ignore the problem. I left the discussion upset and angry by what appeared to be the owner's offhand attitude to my problems.
It was only later when another native speaking English teacher, with considerably more experience of Thailand, explained that a smile meant an apology and the fact that the following day all my complaints had been addressed, that I fully understood the situation.
Disponível em: www.spring.org.uk. Acesso em: 11 jul. 2011 (fragmento).
Viver em um país estrangeiro pode ser uma experiência enriquecedora, embora possa também ser um desafio, pelo choque cultural. A experiência relatada pelo autor do texto revela diferentes atribuições de sentido a um determinado comportamento, mostrando que naquela situação o sorriso indicava um(a):