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Texto base:
PEOPLE OF THE RAINFOREST We often overlook the millions of people that live in the rainforests. Did you know that there are about 50,000,000 tribal people living in world's rainforests? These people depend on the forests for their food and shelter. As we cut more and more trees and destroy more and more of the forests, we are also killing people. Many native tribes have disappeared already because their governments failed to protect them from logging companies, mining companies and the slash and burn farmers. Here is some more information about two of the larger and more well-known tribes: The Pygmies Mbuti and Baka Pygmies live in the rainforests of Central Africa. There are other groups living in other areas, too, but these communities identify themselves as ‘forest peoples’ because of the fundamental importance of the forest to their culture, life and history. Traditionally they live by hunting and gathering food. Different groups have different languages and hunting traditions. Although each community faces different threats and challenges, racism and logging are major problems for many, all contributing to serious health problems and violent abuse. Current statistics put the population of the ‘Pygmy’ peoples at about half a million.
Read the text section The Pygmies and choose the correct alternative according to
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