A Europa atravessa uma crise econômica que atinge profundamente a estrutura institucional da União Europeia e acentua as diferenças entre os países que integram esse bloco econômico. Entre as consequências desse cenário, está a(o)
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Assinale a alternativa correta em relação aos gêmeos citados:
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Com base nas informações apresentadas e no conhecimento a respeito do tema, é possível afirmar:
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Read the text and answer the question.
The Croods (2013)
(Review 1) Zany Ideas 25 March 2013 | by Mek Torres (Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines) The best thing about the film is the characters. The performances simply brought them to life. Emma Stone perfectly gives her role a fitting personality. It sounds perfect for Nicolas Cage to play a caveman. He yells at a monkey in one scene which is a usual pleasure from him, but there is more to the Grug character than just yelling. While Cage is having fun, he brings a strong emotional depth to the rest of his scenes. The characters of Clark Duke and Cloris Leachman provide most of the laughs and they effectively show off its joy. Available at: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0481499/ Accessed on: April 10th 2013. (Review 2) Excellent movie for the whole family to enjoy! 17 March 2013 | by marshaandjon (Fairfield, Ohio) I saw this movie at a sneak preview this afternoon. This was a very enjoyable movie for our whole family. Me and my husband sat there and laughed frequently, being completely enthralled with the story and graphics. Meanwhile, my daughter and my 7 year-old grandson sat with us, and they also were laughing throughout most of the movie. It has something for people of all ages to enjoy. It was heartwarming, and at times, it totally pulls on your heartstrings, too. The characters were appealing, and the type you find yourself rooting for as time goes by, and the animals that interact with the humans frequently stole the show! Available at: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0481499/reviews?ref_=tt_urv Accessed on: April 10th 2013. Vocabulary yell – gritar
This text presents two reviews for the movie ‘The Croods’ posted on the internet. In a movie review, people say if they liked a movie or not and why. Answer the following questions about the first review written by Mek Torres.
1. When was the first review written?
2. Where is the writer from?
3. What did Mek Torres like best about ‘The Croods’?
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Rogério considera o tapete da sua sala de estar pequeno em relação ao tamanho da sala e quer trocá-lo por um mais comprido. Ele queria compartilhar essa ideia com sua esposa, Lisa, mas, como ela estava viajando, enviou-lhe um desenho para que pudesse entender em quanto ele gostaria que o tapete da sala fosse maior.
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Espécime, população biológica e espécie são conceitos relacionados e muito importantes para o estudo da biodiversidade.
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