Texto base: 10510121
Read the text. The Best Ways to Keep Fit for Teens Being healthy doesn’t have to be complicated. There are several simple ways you can incorporate healthy habits into your lifestyle. Here are three advices: 1 – Eat healthy food It can be tempting to think that foods labeled “low-fat” or “diet” are automatically better for you; however, these foods tend to be highly processed and low in nutrients. Instead, try eating mostly whole foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish and whole grains instead of sugary drinks, processed meats and potato chips. [...] 2 – Do physical exercise Teens should engage in about an hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. Choose activities you love, and fitness will be easier to integrate into your routine. [...] 3 – Get a good night’s sleep Although it can sometimes be tempting to stay up late, getting enough sleep is crucial for your health. In fact, sleep deprivation is associated with higher rates of obesity. According to the National Sleep Foundation, teens should get around nine hours of sleep per night. To make sure you get a sound slumber, adopt good sleep habits. For example, go to bed at the same time every night, try not to watch TV or browse on your cell phone in bed and make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet when you go to sleep. The best ways to keep fit for teens. Available at: <www.livestrong.com/article/509421-
how-to-get-fit-fast-as-a-teenage-girl-at-home/>. Jan. 17th, 2017. Adapted.
Tempting – tentador.
To label – rotular.
Low – baixo.
To tend – tender a; ter a tendência de.
To engage – engajar; comprometer-se; empenhar-se.
Although – apesar de que; embora.
Deprivation – privação.
Sound – bom; consistente.
Slumber – sono.
To browse – navegar pela internet.
According to the text, foods labeled low-fat or diet are always better?