(UFRGS) Levando-se em conta unicamente o movimento de rotação da Terra em torno de seu eixo imaginário, qual é aproximadamente a velocidade tangencial de um ponto na superfície da Terra, localizado sobre o equador terrestre?
(Considere π =3,14; raio da Terra RT = 6.000 km.)
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Preteen Worries: My family, my friends and me
Preteens tend to be tight-lipped---preferring to share secrets with their friends over their parents---so it’s natural for moms, dads and teachers to wonder what they worry about. A new KidsHealth KidsPoll was designed to provide some answers. The January 2008 poll surveyed 1,154 kids between the ages of 9 and 13, looking at how much they worry and what they worry about.
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