Retirar a roda de um carro é uma tarefa facilitada por algumas características da ferramenta utilizada, habitualmente denominada chave de roda. As figuras representam alguns modelos de chaves de roda:
Em condições usuais, qual desses modelos permite a retirada da roda com mais facilidade?
Questões relacionadas
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(UNESP) Define-se meia-vida térmica de um corpo como o tempo necessário para que a diferença de temperatura entre esse corpo e a temperatura de sua vizinhança caia para a metade.
Considere que uma panela de ferro de 2 kg, inicialmente a 110oC, seja colocada para esfriar em um local em que a temperatura ambiente é constante e de 30 oC. Sabendo que o calor específico do ferro é 0,1 cal/goC, a quantidade de calor cedida pela panela para o ambiente no intervalo de tempo de três meias-vidas térmicas da panela é
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Os poemas
Os poemas são pássaros que chegam
não se sabe de onde e pousamno livro que lês.Quando fechas o livro, eles alçam vôocomo de um alçapão.Eles não têm pousonem porto;alimentam-se um instante em cadapar de mãos e partem.E olhas, então, essas tuas mãos vazias,no maravilhado espanto de saberesque o alimento deles já estava em ti ...QUINTANA, Mário. Antologia Poética. Porto Alegre: L&PM Pocket, 2001, p. 104.
O poema sugere que o leitor é parte fundamental no processo de construção de sentido da poesia. O verso que melhor expressa essa ideia é:
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Ao se caracterizarem os aspectos ambientais do setor sucroalcooleiro, é preciso analisar dois setores: o setor agrícola, que se refere às atividades desenvolvidas na área que a cultura da cana-de-açúcar ocupa, e o setor industrial, que está relacionado à fabricação de açúcar e álcool.
ALVARENGA, R. P.; QUEIROZ, T. R. Produção mais limpa e aspectos ambientais na indústria sucroalcooleira. Disponível em:
Acesso em: 3 ago. 2012 (adaptado).Para essa atividade produtiva, como impacto ambiental causado pelo setor industrial, tem-se o(a):
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: Read the excerpt extracted from Robert Downey Jr.'s profile. Robert Downey Jr. has evolved into one of the most respected actors in Hollywood. With an amazing list of credits to his name, he has managed to stay new and fresh even after over four decades in the business. Born in Manhattan, New York, on April 4, 1965, Robert Downey Jr. is the son of writer, director and filmographer Robert Downey Sr. and actress Elsie Downey (née Elsie Ann Ford). Downey Jr.'s paternal grandfather, originally surnamed "Elias", was from a Lithuanian Jewish family, while Robert's other ancestry is Irish, Hungarian, Scottish, English, German, and Swiss-German. He and his sister Allyson were immersed in film and the performing arts from a very young age, leading Downey Jr. to study at the Stagedoor Manor Performing Arts Training Center in upstate New York, before moving to California with his father following his parents' 1978 divorce. In 1982, he dropped out of Santa Monica High School to pursue acting full time. Downey Sr., himself a drug addict, exposed his son to drugs at a very early age, and Downey Jr. would go on to struggle with abuse for decades. Downey Jr. made his debut as an actor at the age of five in the film Pound (1970), written and directed by his father, Robert Downey Sr.. He built his film repertoire throughout the 1980s and 1990s with roles in Tuff Turf - O Rebelde (1985), Mulher Nota Mil (1985), True Believer (1989), and Garotos Incríveis (2000) among many others. In 1992, Downey received an Academy Award nomination and won the BAFTA (British Academy Award) for Best Actor for his performance in the title role of Chaplin (1992). Available at: <> Accessed on: Nov. 9, 2014
According to the text, the actor:
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Leia o texto a seguir e responda à questão.
Lockdown Named 2020’s Word of the Year by Collins Dictionary
Lockdown, the noun that has come to define so many lives across the world in 2020, has been named word of the year by Collins Dictionary. Lockdown is defined by Collins as “the imposition of stringent restrictions on travel, social interaction, and access to public spaces”. The 4.5-billion-word Collins Corpus, which contains written material from websites, books and newspapers, as well as spoken material from radio, television and conversations, registered a 6,000% increase in ______(1) usage. In 2019, there were 4,000 recorded instances of lockdown being used. In 2020, this had risen to more than a quarter of a million.
“Language is a reflection of the world around us and 2020 has been dominated by the global pandemic,” says Collins language content consultant Helen Newstead. “We have chosen lockdown as _______(2) word of the year because it encapsulates the shared experience of billions of people who have had to restrict _______(3) daily lives in order to contain the virus. Lockdown has affected the way we work, study, shop, and socialise. It is not a word of the year to celebrate, but it is, perhaps, one that sums up the year for most of the world.”
Other pandemic-related words such as coronavirus, social distancing and key worker were on the dictionary’s list of the top 10 words. However, the coronavirus crisis didn’t completely dominate this year’s vocabulary: words like “Megxit,” a term to describe Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepping back as senior members of the royal family, also made the shortlist along with “TikToker” (a person who regularly shares or appears in videos on TikTok), and “BLM.” The abbreviation BLM, for Black Lives Matter is defined by Collins as “a movement that campaigns against racially motivated violence and oppression”, it registered a 581% increase in usage. Adapted from
According to the text, choose the correct statement.