

The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas says the enclaves, known in Spanish as colonias, represent one of the largest concentrations of poverty in the United States. Texas outlawed their creation and expansion in 1989. The state and federal government have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to improve some of the outposts, but have done little in others, for reasons that include the high costs and questions about who owns which land.

Critics of colonias say people frustrated by the lack of services should move to established cities and towns, but residents refuse to abandon their land after years of trying to make it work. They are irked that the state government recently cut funding for health care, water and other services for colonias, and that President Trump is pushing a $25 billion border wall and security upgrades at a time when illegal border crossings are low and colonias could use a federal boost.

Disponível em: https://www.washingtonpost.com. Acesso em: 26 maio 2021.

A desigualdade social tem atingido, nos últimos anos, países considerados desenvolvidos, e isso tem criado zonas de concentração de pobreza, também chamados de colônias. No trecho acima, temos a representação de uma dessas zonas, localizada no estado do Texas, nos Estados Unidos, onde

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