(FUVEST 2009 1ª FASE)
Com base nesses gráficos sobre 15 cidades, pode-se concluir que, no ano de 1995,
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Aquele que não é capaz de pertencer a uma comunidade ou que dela não tem necessidade, porque se basta a si mesmo, não é em nada parte da cidade, embora seja quer um animal, quer um deus.
ARISTÓTELES. A política. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2002.
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ARENDT, H. A condição humana. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 1995.
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- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Texto base: Read the text and answer the question.
Carrie, how long have you been a guide dog trainer?
I began my career at Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB) in 1996 in the training department with basic dog training skills. After a year of working in the kennels as an instructor assistant, I worked my way through a three-year apprenticeship where GDB taught me how to train guides, work with the visually impaired, basic O&M skills and health-related issues surrounding our client base. At the end of my apprenticeship in 2000 I had to take the California State Board exam for dog guide instructors and received my license. I am required by the state to maintain the license and attend at least eight hours of continuing education each year. After being licensed for five years I became a Master Instructor and eventually made a lateral departmental move to be the Pacific Northwest graduate field manager. In this position my focus shifted from dog training to assisting our clients support.
Available at: http://www.petsadviser.com/service-animal/guide-dog-trainer/. Accessed: on March 22nd, 2013. Vocabulary Apprenticeship – aprendizagem Eventually - enventualmente
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