(FUVEST 2009 1ª FASE) Há um ano, Bruno comprou uma casa por R$50.000,00. Para isso, tomou emprestados R$10.000,00 de Edson e R$10.000,00 de Carlos, prometendo devolver-lhes o dinheiro, após um ano, acrescido de 5% e 4% de juros, respectivamente. A casa valorizou 3% durante este período de um ano. Sabendo-se que Bruno vendeu a casa hoje e pagou o combinado a Edson e Carlos, o seu lucro foi de:
Questões relacionadas
- Física | 2.4 Gravitação Universal
(BAHIANA) As leis de heliocentrismo – enunciadas após as leis de Kepler e a lei da Gravitação Universal de Newton, que tiveram contribuições de Nicolau Copérnico e Tycho Brahe – produziram uma revolução não só nas ciências, mas também nas artes. Todos veriam tudo de outra forma, causou uma revolução no olhar.
Sobre essas leis, é correto afirmar:
- Ciências - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
A ilustração a seguir mostra a embalagem de um alimento.
Disponível em: http://goo.gl/jeCEgE. Acesso em: 10 abr. 2015.
Pelas informações presentes nessa embalagem é possível saber que esse alimento foi produzido com
- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Available at: http://www.nilacharal.com/enter/celeb/robert_pattinson.asp. Accessed on Dec 2nd 2011.
Match questions and answers.
1. How old is Robert Pattinson?
2. Does he have any brothers and sisters? Who are they?
3. What kind of sports does he enjoy?
4. What is his sign?
5. Does he have a nickname?
( ) It’s Taurus.
( ) Twenty-six years old.
( ) Yes, Rob, R-Pattz, Spunk Ransom.
( ) Football, Skiing, Snowboarding.
( ) Yes, he has two, Lizzie and Victoria.
- Língua Inglesa | 1.4 Reading Strategies
Although robots have made great strides in manufacturing, where tasks are repetitive, they are still no match for humans, who can grasp things and move about effortlessly in the physical world. Designing a robot to mimic the basic capabilities of motion and perception would be revolutionary, researchers say, with applications stretching from care for the elderly to returning overseas manufacturing operations to the United States (albeit with fewer workers).
Yet the challenges remain immense, far higher than artificial intelligence obstacles like speaking and hearing. “All these problems where you want to duplicate something biology does, such as perception, touch, planning or grasping, turn out to be hard in fundamental ways,” said Gary Bradski, a vision specialist at Willow Garage, a robot development company based in Silicon Valley. “It’s always surprising, because humans can do so much effortlessly.”
http://www.nytimes.com, July 11, 2011. Adaptado
(FUVEST 2012 1ª FASE) De acordo com o texto, o especialista Gary Bradski afirma que
- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Texto base:
In this cartoon, one side shows how in the earlier decades, primarily in the 1950′s, the competition among countries for jobs were rarely in existent and the topic is not mentioned in the typical American home. Nowadays, because of the decreasing economy and jobs available, this subject is often discussed. In the box titled “Today”, it shows a father talking to his son about children who are studying in China and India so obviously, he is aware of the intense competition of jobs and possibly the shifting of the world’s power that comes along with it. Available at: <http://aplangkmac.wordpress.com/2011/09/08/globalization-political-cartoon-2/>. Accessed on: Nov 1st 2013.
This cartoon talks about