Um pequeno comerciante pretende aplicar R$ 60 000,00 em ações na Bolsa de Valores. O quadro seguinte traz algumas das opções de investimento.
Dentre as opções apresentadas no quadro, a melhor aplicação para esse montante de dinheiro é
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Texto base: TEXT 8 Read the recipe and answer question.
Prep time: about 15 minutes
- 1. _______________________________________:
- 1 standard-sized bagel, cut in half
- • tomato sauce
- • shredded mozzarella cheese
- • toppings like diced green pepper, chopped onion, or chopped tomato (whatever you like)
- • seasonings like oregano, basil, and pepper
- 2. _______________________________________:
- • oven (you'll need help from your adult assistant)
- • knife (you'll need help from your adult assistant)
- • baking sheet
- 3. _______________________________________:
- 1. Preheat the oven to 325 °F.
- 2. Spread tomato sauce on each bagel half.
- 3. Sprinkle the shredded cheese all over the tomato sauce on each half.
- 4. Add your favorite toppings.
- 5. Put a light sprinkling of seasonings on each half.
- 6. Put your bagel halves on the baking sheet.
- 7. Bake in the oven on low heat for about 5 to 8 minutes. You'll know they're done when the cheese is bubbly.
- 8. Let cool for a minute, then enjoy your tiny pizzas!
- 4. _______________________________________: 1
- 5. _______________________________________: 2 tiny pizzas
Available at: http://kidshealth.org/kid/recipes/recipes/pizzas.html#cat20229. Access on: Oct. 8th 2012.
What is the order of the steps in the recipe?
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