Texto para a questão
Endangered species
Since the wars of the 1970s, the number of well-armed poachers in Africa has increased and so has the problem of endangered animals. Elephants and rhinos are among the most endangered animals. Poachers shoot elephants and rhinos with automatic weapons, cut off the tusks or horns and leave the bodies to rot.
Killing these rare animals except under certain controlled circumstances is illegal. Making and selling things from ivory is also illegal, but the trade continues.
Game Wardens try to protect the groups of animals and catch the poachers before they harm the animals. But this is difficult and can be very dangerous.
More than a hundred thousand elephants have been killed in Zambia, Central African Republic and Uganda in the past twenty years – and there are very few rhinos in the wild.
In addition to conservation issues, it is in the economic interests of African countries to protect these species because they attract huge income through the tourist industry.
We know about other endangered species such as gorillas, tigers and whales, but in some European countries hunters shoot millions of small birds a year for ‘sport’. Of course, their attitude is even worse than that of the rhino poachers, who at least have the excuse that they need money.
Disponível em: <http://lingualeo.com/pt/jungle/endangered-species-317644#/page/1>.
poachers – caçadores.
rot – apodrecer.
ivory – marfim.
game – animais selvagens caçados por esporte ou para obtenção de lucro.
Game Wardens – guardas florestais.
alive – vivos.
Mark the correct alternative according to the text.