A taxa de inflação é um índice que aponta, em percentuais, a evolução média dos preços de mercadorias e serviços. Entretanto, cada família percebe a variação dos preços de modo particular, pois o peso de cada item no seu orçamento é diferente. Assim, se o preço dos medicamentos sobe muito, o impacto da inflação para as famílias que têm mais idosos tende a ser maior. Se o preço dos alimentos cai, o impacto da inflação para as famílias mais pobres tende a ser menor, já que boa parte de seu orçamento é gasto em alimentação.
Disponível em: http://www.dieese.org.br (adaptado).
Considere que os salários de determinado grupo de pessoas crescem 10,0% ao ano, mas a inflação, para esse grupo, cresce 6,0% ao ano.
O aumento percentual do poder de compra, em dois anos, das pessoas que pertencem ao referido grupo, mais aproximado, será de:
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(ITA) 5 Ways To Turn Fear Into Fuel
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Jonathan Fields, author of Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt Into Fuel for Brilliance.
Uncertainty. It’s a terrifying word.
Living with it, dangling over your head like the sword of Damocles, 5day in day out, is enough to send anyone spiraling into a state of anxiety, fear and paralysis.
11Like it or not, though, uncertainty is the new normal. We live in a time where the world is in a state of constant, long-term flux. And, that’s not all. If you want to spend your time on the planet not just 6getting-by, but consistently creating art, experiences, businesses and lives that truly matter, you’ll need to proactively 7seek out, invite and even deliberately amplify uncertainty. Because the other side of uncertainty is opportunity.
Nothing great was ever created by waiting around for someone to tell you it’s all going to be okay or for perfect information to drop from the sky. Doesn’t happen that way. Great work requires you to act in the face of uncertainty, to live in the question long enough for your true potential to emerge. There is no alternative.
1When you find the strength to act in the face of uncertainty, you till the soil of genius.
2Problem is, that kills most people. It leads to unease, anxiety, fear and doubt on a level that snuffs out most genuinely meaningful and potentially revolutionary endeavors before they even see the light of day. Not because they wouldn’t have succeeded, but because you never equipped yourself to 8handle and even harness the emotional energy of the journey.
But, what if it didn’t have to be that way?
What if there was a way to turn the fear, anxiety and self-doubt that rides along with acting in the face of uncertainty—4the head-to-toe butterflies—into fuel for brilliance?
10Turns out, there is. 3Your ability to lean into the unknown isn’t so much about luck or genetics, rather it’s something entirely trainable. I’ve spent the past few years interviewing world-class creators across a wide range of fields and 9pouring over research that spans neuroscience, decision-theory, psychology, creativity and business.
Through this work, a collection of patterns, practices and strategies have emerged that not only turbocharge insight, creativity, innovation and problem-solving, but also help ameliorate so much of the suffering so often associated with the pursuit of any creative quest.
Fonte: http://zenhabits.net/fearfuel. Acesso em 07/12/2011. Texto adaptado.
Escolha a opção que apresenta a mesma ideia da afirmação a seguir: “Your ability to lean into the unknown isn’t so much about luck or genetics, rather it’s something entirely trainable” (ref. 3).
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Native Americans 'Left Out in the Cold' Under Trump Press Biden for Action
WASHINGTON – When President Joe Biden introduced Rep. Deb Haaland of New Mexico as his pick for interior secretary, making her the first Native American to be selected for a Cabinet position, he acknowledged the country’s long history of failing the land’s first citizens.
“The federal government has long broken promises to Native American tribes who have been on this land since time immemorial,” he said. “With her appointment, Congresswoman Haaland will help me strengthen the nation to nation relationship.”
But with Biden’s election and Haaland’s nomination, tribal communities are looking for more than vague pledges.
Angry over their treatment during the Trump administration, which oversaw a deeply flawed response to the pandemic on tribal lands and pursued other policies at odds with Native American priorities, they are now hopeful that Biden, who benefited from their enthusiastic support in battleground states like Arizona last year, will back a far-reaching agenda to address the poverty that has long ravaged their communities.
They are pushing to ensure that any infrastructure plan the Biden administration pursues includes substantial money to improve access to water and electricity and to improve roads and bridges. They want more funding for their woeful health care service. They want changes to federal land use policy to minimize environmental damage from energy projects. And they want a renewed commitment to improving their schools.
Disponível em: https://news.yahoo.com. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2021.
A população nativa dos Estados Unidos, os índios que habitavam a região antes da chegada dos Europeus, ainda enfrenta problemas estruturais em suas terras. Após a vitória do democrata Joe Biden, há uma pressão que tende a aumentar em relação ao governo por causa da(o)
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Uma obra de arte é um desafio; não a explicamos, ajustamo-nos a ela. Ao interpretá-la, fazemos uso dos nossos próprios objetivos e esforços, dotamo-la de um significado que tem sua origem nos nossos próprios modos de viver e de pensar. Numa palavra, qualquer gênero de arte que, de fato, nos afete, torna se, deste modo, arte moderna.
As obras de arte, porém, são como altitudes inacessíveis. Não nos dirigimos a elas diretamente, mas contornamo-las. Cada geração as vê sob um ângulo diferente e sob uma nova visão; nem se deve supor que um ponto de vista mais recente é mais eficiente do que um anterior. Cada aspecto surge na sua altura própria, que não pode ser antecipada nem prolongada; e, todavia, o seu significado não está perdido porque o significado que uma obra assume para uma geração posterior é o resultado de uma série completa de interpretações anteriores.
Arnold Hauser, Teorias da arte. Adaptado
(FUVEST 2018 1ª FASE) De acordo com o texto, a compreensão do significado de uma obra de arte pressupõe