Meet the Dalai Lama
[…] The Dalai Lama promotes peace, compassion, and tolerance.
What if you became the leader of your people when you were just 15 years old? That’s what happened to Lhamo Thondup, better known as the Dalai Lama. In 1950 he became the political leader of Tibet, now a part of China. But the Dalai Lama is more than just the head of his government. Promoting peace, compassion, and tolerance, he is also the spiritual leader of millions of people. Here’s what he told NG Kids about being a hero for peace.[…]
NG Kids: Can one kid really make a difference in the world?
The Dalai Lama: Yes. Because if everyone works hard, we can all make a difference.
NG Kids : How can kids promote peace in their everyday lives?
The Dalai Lama: Look at situations from all angles, and you will become more open. We all have to live together, so we might as well live together happily. Realizing this helps you feel as if this whole world is one home. […]
Available at: Access on: Feb 24, 2012. (Fragment)
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According to Dalai Lama the world can be better to live in if