(IFCE) Analise as seguintes proposições.
“Atua como um solvente universal, sendo de extrema importância para as reações químicas ocorridas nas células dos seres vivos. Outras funções importantes são o transporte de íons e moléculas pelo corpo, regulação térmica e ação lubrificante.”
“São encontrados em duas formas: solúveis (encontrados em forma de íons) e insolúveis (fazendo parte de estruturas esqueléticas etc.) e representam cerca de 1% da composição celular.”
As substâncias descritas são:
Questões relacionadas
- Física | B. Força Magnética
Uma partícula eletrizada positivamente, de massa desprezível, penetra na região do espaço onde existe um campo elétrico uniforme de intensidade 1,0 x 105 N/C orientado verticalmente para baixo, conforme a figura acima. A partícula descreve uma trajetória retilínea, pela presença de um campo magnético uniforme B de intensidade 4,0.10³ T perpendicular ao campo elétrico e de sentido entrando no plano do papel.
A intensidade da velocidade da partícula é, em m/s
- Língua Portuguesa - Fundamental | 9.01 Tipologias Textuais
Leia os textos que seguem para responder a questão.
Texto I
Texto II
A autora do texto I afirma que Malala “trocou as cortinas por onde deveria espreitar o mundo pelo centro do palco.” ( ℓ. 6-7) Isso significa que Malala
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- Matemática - Fundamental | 12. Ângulos
Texto base: .
Disponível em: <http://dancaemconexao.blogspot.com.br/p/atracoes.html Acesso em: 20 jun. 2012
Como pode ser classificado o ângulo formado pelas pernas da bailarina na imagem acima?
- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Texto base: Read the article excerpt below. Some children’s juice drinks have more sugar than Coke Supposedly healthy supermarket smoothies and juices aimed at children can contain up to eight teaspoons of sugar - more than one-and-a-half times as much as in Coca-Cola, according to a survey carried out for a health campaign group. A quarter of the products tested had at least six teaspoons for every 200ml glass, the maximum adult daily intake recommended by the World Health Organization, the research found. The campaign group Action on Sugar analyzed 203 juices, juice drinks and smoothies marketed for children and found that more than a quarter (57) contained as much sugar or more than Coca-Cola, which has 10.6g for every 100ml (equivalent to five teaspoons in a 200ml glass). More than half (117) would attract the red warning on the traffic light labeling system for high sugar content. The group said the drinks were a “major and unnecessary” source of sugars and calories that were contributing to record levels of tooth decay, obesity and type 2 diabetes among children. It urged parents to give children water or whole fruit instead of juice. Prof Graham MacGregor, of the Wolfson Institute, Queen Mary University of London, and chairman of Action on Sugar, said: “It is a complete scandal that these drinks are marketed to children and parents as if they are healthy. This has to stop. We need to stop Britain’s childhood obesity epidemic spiraling out of control.” Among the worst offenders were Asda’s Chosen by Kids Tropical Juice From Concentrate, which contained 13g of sugar per 100ml, and Tesco Goodness Slurper Apple & Banana Fruit Smoothie Snack for Kids, which contained 16.1g of sugar per 100ml. Fifty-nine products also contained sugar or glucose-fructose syrup as an added ingredient, providing unnecessary extra calories and further damage to growing teeth. UK health guidelines state that a small (150ml) glass of unsweetened 100% fruit juice can count as one of the recommended five a day. But Action on Sugar said this was misleading and should be withdrawn. Available at: <http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/nov/11/children-juice-drinks-sugar-coca-cola>. Accessed on: Nov. 13, 2014.
- A) What if children continue to drink these juices? What can be the consequences according to Action on Sugar?
- B) Complete the sentence with your own words: According to Prof. MacGregor, if we don't stop this__________________