(UFPR) O esquema a seguir é representativo de um epitélio de revestimento estratificado. Pode-se observar que as camadas superiores, em contato com o meio externo, são compostas por células cada vez mais achatadas. Além disso, essas células achatadas geralmente estão mortas e descamam do tecido. Um exemplo desse tipo de epitélio é encontrado no esôfago de animais carnívoros.
Qual o principal motivo que leva essas células a morrerem e descamarem do epitélio?
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(ESPCEX) We’re so well educated – but we’re useless
Record numbers of students have entered higher education in the past 10 years, but despite being the most educated generation in history, it seems that we’ve grown increasingly ignorant when it comes to basic life skills.
Looking back on my first weeks living in student halls, I consider myself lucky to still be alive. I have survived a couple of serious boiling egg incidents and numerous cases of food-poisoning, probably from dirty kitchen counters. Although some of my clothes have fallen victim to ironing experimentation, I think I have now finally acquired all the domestic skills I missed out in my modern education.
Educationist Sir Ken Robinson says that our current education system dislocates people from their natural talents and deprives us of what used to be passed from generation to generation – a working knowledge of basic life skills. Today’s graduates may have earned themselves distinctions in history, law or economics, but when it comes to simple things like putting up a shelf to hold all their academic books, or fixing a hole in their on-trend clothes, they have to call for help from a professional handyman or tailor.
Besides what we need to know for our own jobs, we must have practical skills. We don’t grow our own crops, build our own houses, or make our own clothes anymore; we simply buy these things. Unable to create anything ourselves, what we have mastered instead is consumption.
Sociologist Saskia Sassen argues that the modern liberal state has created a middle class that isn’t able to “make” anymore. I suggest that we start with the immediate reintroduction of some of the most vital aspects of “domestic science” education. Instead of only maths, language and history, we should create an interactive learning environment in schools where craftsmanship and problem-solving are valued as highly as the ability to absorb and regurgitate information. We need to develop children into people that not only think for themselves, but are also able to act for themselves.
Adapted from http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/mortarboard/2013/feb/25/well-educated-but-useless
In the sentence “I think I have now finally acquired all the domestic skills I missed out in my modern education.” (paragraph 2), the words missed out mean:
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O texto a seguir é um trecho de uma conversa por meio de um programa de computador que permite comunicação direta pela Internet em tempo real, como o MSN Messenger. Esse tipo de conversa, embora escrita, apresenta muitas características da linguagem falada, segundo alguns linguistas. Uma delas é a interação ao vivo e imediata, que permite ao interlocutor conhecer, quase instantaneamente, a reação do outro, por meio de suas respostas e dos famosos emoticons (que podem ser definidos como “ícones que demonstram emoção”).
João diz: oi
Pedro diz: blz?
João diz: na paz e vc?
Pedro diz: tudo trank ☺
João diz: oq vc ta fazendo?
Pedro diz: tenho q sair agora...
João diz: flw
Pedro diz: vlw, abc
Para que a comunicação, como no MSN Messenger se dê em tempo real, é necessário que a escrita das informações seja rápida, o que é feito por meio de
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(UERJ) The Genre of Autobiography and Autofiction
Derived from three Greek words meaning “self”, “life” and “write”, autobiography is a style of writing that has been around nearly as long as history has been recorded. Yet, autobiography was not classified as a genre within itself until the late eighteenth century.
In his book, Inside out, E. Stuart Bates offers a functional definition of autobiography as “a narrative of the past of a person by the person concerned”. That definition, however, is too broad for some literary critics. Many, such as Philippe Lejeune, wish to define the genre more narrowly: “(a) retrospective prose narrative produced by a real person concerning his own existence, focusing on his individual life, in particular on the development of his personality”.
Despite disagreements concerning how inclusive the category of autobiography should be, there are characteristics that are common to the majority of autobiographical works. These features are the grammatical perspective of the work, the identity of the self, self-reflection and introspection.
Most autobiographies are written from the first person singular perspective. The author, the narrator and the protagonist must share a common identity for the work to be considered an autobiography. This common identity could be similar, but is not identical. The self that the author constructs becomes a character within the story that may not be a completely factual representation of the author’s actual past self.
In their book The voice within, Roger Porter and H. R. Wolf state that “truth is a highly subjective matter, and no autobiographer can represent exactly what happened back then, any more than a historian can definitively describe the real truth of the past”.
Because the author cannot describe events objectively, even the most accurate autobiographies have fictional elements. The blurring of fiction and truth characteristic of autobiography has even led to the creation of a subdivision within the genre of autobiography that deals with fictionalized self-accounts. For this style of writing that blends characteristics of both fiction and autobiography, Serge Doubrovsky coined the literary term “autofiction”.
The difference between traditional autobiography and the genre of autofiction is that autobiographers are attempting to depict their real life, while writers of autofiction are only basing their work upon real experiences. Writers of autofiction are not expected to be as historically accurate as possible as autobiographers are. According to Alex Hughes, authors of autofiction are saying “this is me and this is not me”. 1This sums up autofiction. Autofiction draws from the life of the writer with the addition of fictional elements to make the work more than just a life story.
Autobiography is a popular genre. 2Writers of memoirs and life stories never lack an audience. People are interested in the actual lives of others and want to know about others’ pasts and feelings and desires. Autobiography is a way to organize the story of a life and reflect on the past in order to better understand the present.
Writers of memoirs and life stories never lack an audience. People are interested in the actual lives of others (ref. 2)The semantic relationship between the two sentences above can be made explicit by the addition of following connective: