(CPS) Em Música, usam-se as partituras como meio de registro e guia para permitir tocar a peça musical como o compositor a criou. Em Química, utilizam-se protocolos experimentais como registro de um método procedimental predefinido para a implementação de experiências.
Numa partitura existem notas musicais... Poderiam as reações químicas ser traduzidas por notas musicais?
Na imagem temos uma analogia entre os instrumentos musicais e os equipamentos de laboratório. Observamos que as notas musicais escapam de um dos instrumentos, assim como uma substância gasosa escaparia de um recipiente aberto, em um experimento químico.
Um exemplo de substância que, em temperatura ambiente, se comportaria como as notas musicais na figura é o
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(Fgv) [...] no final do século XIX [...] discursos “científicos” estabelecem, a partir de características físicas e culturais, uma classificação dos povos e uma desigualdade das raças. [...] Mas são sobretudo as revistas de geografia e de etnografia que influenciam os colonos, ao refletir sobre os melhores métodos para “civilizar nossos negros”. Considera-se, de fato, que os povos que não pertencem à “raça” branca são atrasados, infantilizados.
(Marc Ferro. A colonização explicada a todos, 2017.)
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(UERJ) The art of difference
Mutuality in recognizing and negotiating difference is crucial for people to deal with their past and the future; it is also essential in the process of creating a culture of responsibility. How can this be achieved and what is the role of art in this process?
1A vision based on ideologies solves both challenges of sharing – the interpretation of the past and the projections of the future. But ideologies are somehow “total”, if not totalitarian, because there is not much space for serious public negotiation. Individuals, then, lose their integrity or are restricted to their private spheres and, in the end, their memories become part of the dominant identity discourse, their aspirations are delegated. Even in less obvious systems of ideological rule, where individual subscription to the official story line seems to be consciously voluntary and collective memories are willingly encouraged for the sake of collective identities, the negotiation of difference is often not welcome: exclusion happens quickly 2and non-conformist doubts produce suspicion.
A democratic vision – shared aspirations for the future, based on negotiated interpretations of the past that respect diversity – is necessarily found in complex processes of private and public discourse and participatory and inclusive culture. Yet, politics tends to reduce complexity and engineer the balance between the individual and the collective rather than invest in processes of negotiation. We have learned, 11though, that this social engineering is a phantasm, largely limited and limiting, and, even if successful, often creates paranoid and fatal structures of homogeneity by trying to mould memories and hopes.
Humankind has gathered impressive knowledge about the limitations of the human will and the failures of such “engineering”. 12Nevertheless, despite this, and maybe even because of it, we cannot give up trying the 3impossible: to create conditions for equality and solidarity for individuals to flourish. These conditions should be accompanied by narratives of a just, fair and free commonwealth of all. If history and memory seem to make this dream an 4unlikely scenario, can art play this part?
The role of art is precisely to keep inspiration alive, to deconstruct ideology, to 5recall the necessary dream of freedom, of the individual and of the common good beyond the “either/or” and beyond simplicity. In this sense, art in general prevents false hopes, and thus generates hope in the most paradoxical way: the only way of hoping that reaches beyond the private sphere without some kind of ideological distortion.
What makes art so unique? And why? Because the best narratives of art are purpose-free, uniquely non-instrumental, simply human. Art narrates what we don’t understand in 7enlightened ways. Artists in particular offer a wealth of 6unseen perspectives and 8unexpected pathways of human exploration. Art makes us aware that all memories are personal, despite the power of collective narratives. Arts and culture empower people to think freely, to imagine the 9unimagined, to feel responsible across borders and boundaries. Hopefully, the narratives of the future will be 10intercultural – and art will be the ally in the art of difference that needs to be further developed. “Art is about difference, art is difference”, as stated by Igor Dobricic*. And it is difference that will be at the origin of the new bonding narratives of confidence.
Gottfried Wagner alliancepublishing.org
The ideas expressed in a text might be perceived as true because of the choice and repetition of a specific tense.
The verb tense that makes the ideas in the text seem true is:
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