As minhocas são antigas aliadas do homem. Esses animais atuam como verdadeiros “arados naturais”, construindo galerias subterrâneas, removendo o solo. São benefícios proporcionados pelas minhocas, EXCETO:
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- Biologia | 8.6 Verminoses
(CPS) O ser humano pode conseguir muitos benefícios por meio do solo, mas também pode contrair vários tipos de doenças, se o solo estiver contaminado. Entre essas doenças, destacam-se as verminoses, causadas por diferentes vermes parasitas que se instalam no organismo do hospedeiro. Uma das verminoses mais comuns em todo o mundo é a ascaridíase, doença causada pelo verme Ascaris lumbricoides, conhecido popularmente como lombriga. Para prevenir a contaminação do organismo humano por esse verme, é importante
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Texto base: Everybody hates Chris - Storyline
Motivated by his childhood experiences, Emmy Award-winner/actor/comedian Chris Rock narrates this very hilarious and touching story of a teenager growing up as the oldest of three children in Brooklyn, NY, in 1982. 1982 is the year that Chris turns 13. Filled with dreams of being a cool teenager, Chris moves with his family from the projects to the "Bed-Stuy: Do or Die" neighborhood. As the family's emergency adult while his parents are working, he's responsible for taking care of his younger brother Drew, who's taller and more confident than Chris, and sister Tonya , who gets all the parents' attention. Chris' rough, cost-conscious father Julius works numerous jobs to properly support his family. Sassy mom Rochelle runs the household on a tight budget, is very strict, and works part-time in a small real estate office.
Available at: Accessed on: Nov 9, 2016.
In this TV show, Chris, Drew, and Tonya are Julius and Rochelle`s
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The northern part of the country was ruled by the Inca before the Spanish took control in the 16th century. Native Mapuche people lived in the southern and central regions before the country became a Spanish colony. The country gained independence from Spain in 1810. Toward the end of the 1800s, many Europeans began to settle in Chile, including Germans, French, British, and Italians. Many Chinese moved to Chile to help build the railroad. Chile was once considered to be a very stable and free country. But in 1973 a bloody battle overthrew Salvador Allende's elected Marxist government and the country suffered 16 years under the dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet. Democracy was restored in 1989.
National Geographic Kids Available at: Accessed on: June 5, 2016. (Extract) Using the information from this text, make a historical fact file about Chile, according to the topics below.
People who controlled Chile before the Spanish: _______________________________
Century when the Spanish control began: _________________________________
Year of independence from Spain: _______________________________________
Groups of Europeans who settled in Chile: _________________________________
Year of restoration of Democracy: _______________________________________