A figura representa a variação da intensidade de uma força em função do tempo. Nos primeiros 10,0 s, ela é vertical para cima e, nos 10,0 s seguintes, ela é horizontal para a direita. Nessas condições, o módulo do impulso de 0 a 20,0 s é igual, em N.s, a
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(UECE) As auxinas são fitormônios fundamentais ao desenvolvimento das plantas. Esses hormônios, além de serem encontrados nos vegetais, também podem ser encontrados em fungos, bactérias e algas. Sobre as auxinas, pode-se afirmar corretamente que
- Língua Inglesa | 1.4 Reading Strategies
Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.
Significant developments in a new urine test for prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers among men. Although there are effective treatments, such as radiotherapy and surgery for localized prostate cancer, men diagnosed with more progressive prostate cancer have a poorer prognosis. Therefore, a sensitive and specific screening test to detect prostate cancer in its early states is urgently needed.
Currently, serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels and digital rectal examinations have been used as the screening and diagnostic tools for prostate cancer. However, researchers believe that a simple, non-invasive technique using urine can be a more sensitive and specific way to detect the early stages of the disease. Urine contains more than two thousand different metabolites and can provide clues to the human body’s metabolism, including the disordered metabolism of cancer cells.
Researchers in the United States have taken the opportunity to develop a new urine test for prostate cancer based on the metabolite profile and RNA sequencing found in prostate cancer-specific urine. The researchers took an approach that only required one single pass of urine, without the need for prostatic massage prior, to prove their principle that a simple urine sample could be sufficient for the identification of prostate cancer biomarkers.
Metabolic profiles of patients without cancer were taken and compared with metabolic profiles of patients with prostate cancer to identify metabolic changes and prostate cancerspecific biomarkers. The findings are the first to report a distinct prostate cancer profile from altered metabolic pathways in patient urine samples that can be differentiated between patients with normal prostates and benign prostatic hyperplasia (benign enlargement of the prostate).
The researchers conclude that their findings are a significant discovery to developing a new urine test for prostate cancer that is simple, non-invasive and convenient. The study’s proof-of-concept should be further tested and validated in larger sample sizes before it can be clinically implemented.
Adaptado de: https://medicalnewsbulletin.com/significantdevelopments-made-in-developing-a-new-urine-test-for-prostatecancer/ Acessado em 15 de novembro de 2020.
American researchers have proved that biomarkers of prostate cancer
- Filosofia | 4.2 Teorias Políticas
“Que estas colônias unidas são e têm o direito de ser Estados livres e independentes, que estão desoneradas de qualquer lealdade para com a Coroa Britânica e que todo vínculo político entre elas e o Estado da Grã-Bretanha está e deve ficar totalmente dissolvido.”
Declaração de Independência dos Estados Unidos, 4 de julho de 1776, Http://www.usacitylink.com/usa/declaration. html
Sobre a Declaração de Independência americana, é correto afirmar-se que
- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Texto base: Read the text and choose the best alternative. TITLE: ________________________________________________________________________________ We have another reason why you should peel yourself away from the television set: too much TV is associated with high cholesterol levels. […] More than 60 percent of kids who watched more than two hours of television a day had a cholesterol level of 200 milligrams per deciliter or higher. […] Watching four or more hours of television a day was associated with a fourfold greater risk of high cholesterol. The effects of TV on cholesterol should be fairly obvious. People who watch a lot of TV tend to nibble while they watch, and the foods kids eat in front of the set often are high in calories and fat, researchers say. Also, TV-watching is not just sedentary but it discourages further activity. If you’re in front of the TV a lot you're spend a great deal of energy processing television images, and that leaves you too tired for healthy physical activity. Available at: http://www.teengrowth.com/index.cfm?action=info_article&ID_article=1227&category=sports&catdesc=Sports&subdesc=Fitness. Access on: June 5th, 2012.
The best title for this text is
- Biologia | 3.4 Ácidos Nucleicos
As proteínas são essenciais para as células e desempenham inúmeras funções como, por exemplo, a de atuarem como enzimas e participarem de processos bioquímicos. Elas são produzidas durante o processo de tradução, que consiste na união de aminoácidos de acordo com a sequência de bases no RNA mensageiro. A esse respeito, faça o que se pede no item.
Considerando-se a sequência de eventos relacionada ao processo de síntese de proteínas, assinale a opção correta.