(UEFS) Enzimas que participam do controle dos níveis de insulina no sangue têm se mostrado alvos promissores na busca por novos tratamentos contra o diabetes tipo 2. Testados em camundongos, dois compostos que agem sobre essas enzimas conseguiram diminuir os níveis de glicose dos animais.
(ROCHA, 2014)
A respeito das informações contidas no texto e nos conhecimentos sobre a fisiologia do diabetes tipo 2, é correto afirmar:
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(UNIFESP) Reducing food waste would mitigate climate change, study shows
April 7, 2016
Reducing food waste around the world would help curb emissions of planet-warming gases, lessening some of the impacts of climate change such as more extreme weather and rising seas, scientists said on Thursday.
Up to of emissions from agriculture in 2050 could be avoided by managing food use and distribution better, according to a new study from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). “Agriculture is a major driver of climate change, accounting for more than of overall global greenhouse gas emissions in 2010,” said co-author Prajal Pradhan. “Avoiding food loss and waste would therefore avoid unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions and help mitigate climate change.”
Between and of food produced around the world is never eaten, because it is spoiled after harvest and during transportation, or thrown away by shops and consumers. The share of food wasted is expected to increase drastically if emerging economies like China and India adopt western food habits, including a shift to eating more meat, the researchers warned. Richer countries tend to consume more food than is healthy or simply waste it, they noted.
As poorer countries develop and the world’s population grows, emissions associated with food waste could soar from gigatonnes (GT) of carbon dioxide equivalent per year to between and GT annually by mid-century, showed the study published in the Environmental Science & Technology journal. It is widely argued that cutting food waste and distributing the world’s surplus food where it is needed could help tackle hunger in places that do not have enough - especially given that land to expand farming is limited.
But Jürgen Kropp, another of the study’s co-authors and PIK’s head of climate change and development, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation the potential for food waste curbs to reduce emissions should be given more attention. “It is not a strategy of governments at the moment,” he said.
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