Uma aluna estuda numa turma de 40 alunos. Em um dia, essa turma foi dividida em três salas, A, B e C, de acordo com a capacidade das salas.Na sala A ficaram 10 alunos, na B, outros 12 alunos e na C, 18 alunos. Será feito um sorteio no qual, primeiro, será sorteada uma sala e, posteriormente, será sorteado um aluno dessa sala.Qual é a probabilidade de aquela aluna específica ser sorteada,sabendo que ela está na sala C?
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What is solid waste? Each household generates garbage or waste day in and day out. Items that we no longer need or do not have any further use for fall in the category of waste, and we tend to throw them away. There are different types of solid waste depending on their source. In today’s polluted world, learning the correct methods of handling the waste generated has become essential. Segregation is an important method of handling municipal solid waste. Segregation at source can be understood clearly by schematic representation.One of the important methods of managing and treating wastes is composting. As the cities are growing in size and in problems such as the generation of plastic waste, various municipal waste treatment and disposal methods are now being used to try and resolve these problems. One common sight in all cities is the rag picker who plays an important role in the segregation of this waste. Garbage generated in households can be recycled and reused to prevent creation of waste at source and reducing amount of waste thrown into the community dustbins. Available at: <> Accessed on: April 6, 2015. (Extract)
Correlate the columns and find the definitions:
( 1 ) Solid Waste. ( ) One of the important methods of managing and treating wastes.
( 2 ) Segregation. ( ) Disposal method for plastic waste.
( 3 ) Composting. ( ) Places to throw the waste.
( 4 ) Rag Picker. ( ) Items we no longer need or use and throw away.
( 5 ) Dustbins. ( ) Method of handling solid waste.
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A imagem a seguir representa um cartão de um jogo de bingo:
Disponível em:<>. Acesso em: 08/03/2014.
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Se você não se atrasar demais, posso te esperar por toda a minha vida.
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