(UESPI) Observe e interprete a charge a seguir.
Qual deve ser o título correto para essa charge?
Questões relacionadas
- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Look at the picture.
Disponível em < https://www.tes.com/lessons/-12xtMXGf6jKlw/houses> . Acesso em junho de 2019.
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Texto introdutório: As características dos materiais são propriedades físicas que definem a forma como os materiais se comportam sob diferentes condições. Algumas das características mais importantes incluem a condutibilidade, elasticidade, compressibilidade e dureza. Essas propriedades têm sido estudadas há milhares de anos, desde os tempos antigos em que as pessoas procuravam por materiais para construção e ferramentas. Hoje, o conhecimento sobre as características dos materiais é usado em muitas áreas da ciência e da engenharia.
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Disponível em: <https://simplyjamesfox.wordpress.com/2012/09/06/looking-beyond-what-is-advertised/>. Acesso em: 15 nov. 2016. (Adaptado)
Answer the questions in full.
- a) What is the name of the store?
- b) What is the advertisement slogan?
- c) What is the discount that we receive when buying the clothes in this store?
- Matemática - Fundamental | 08. Polígonos
As medidas dos lados de um triângulo satisfazem as seguintes condições:
- - O lado médio mede 3 cm a mais do que o lado menor.
- - O lado maior mede 3 cm a mais do que o lado médio.
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46. Texto base: Peru OFFICIAL NAME: Republic of Peru CAPITAL: Lima POPULATION: 30,147,935 OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: Spanish, Quechua MONEY: Nuevo Sol AREA: 496,224 square miles (1,285,216 square kilometers) Peru is the third largest country in South America, after Brazil and Argentina. It is made up of a variety of landscapes, from mountains and beaches to deserts and rain forests. Most people live along the coast of the Pacific Ocean, where the capital, Lima, is located. Along Peru's west coast is a narrow strip of desert 1,555 miles (2,500 kilometers) long. Ancient people, called the Chimú and the Nasca, first inhabited this region thousands of years ago. The coastal desert makes up only about 10 percent of Peru, but it is home to more than half of all Peruvians. […] The second highest mountain range in the world runs through Peru. These peaks, called the Andes, are so tall and forbidding that the ancient Inca people thought they were gods. They run from north to south and can be seen from Peru's beaches 50 miles (80 kilometers) to the west. The highest peak, Mount Huascarán, is 22,205 feet (6,768 meters) high.
National Geographic Kids Available at: http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/explore/countries/peru/#peru-machu-picchu.jpg Accessed on: June 5, 2016. (Extract) Read the fact file about Peru and answer the questions.
- a) How many people live in Peru? Where do most of these people live?
- b) How many square miles does Peru area have? How many square kilometers does it correspond to?
- c) How many countries in South America are bigger than Peru? Which are they?
- d) How many feet does the Peruvian highest mountain have? How many meters does it correspond to?