(UPF) Em decisão de grande repercussão mundial, o Reino Unido opta pela saída da União Europeia. Sobre esse fato, é correto afirmar:
Questões relacionadas
- Matemática | 10. Estatística
Contratos de vários serviços disponíveis na internet apresentam uma quantidade excessiva de informações. Isso faz com que o tempo necessário para a leitura desses contratos possa ser longo.
O quadro apresenta uma amostra do tempo considerado necessário para a leitura completa do contrato de alguns serviços digitais.
ROMERO, L. Não li e concordo. Superinteressante,
n. 307, ago. 2012 (adaptado).
O tempo médio, em minuto, necessário para a leitura completa de um contrato de serviço dentre os listados no quadro é, com uma casa decimal, aproximadamente,
- Geografia - Fundamental | 02. Localizando-se No Espaço
Texto base: Analise o mapa do Brasil.
Disponível em: <http://www.guiageo.com/brasil-mapa.htm>. Acesso em: 14 out. 2013.
- A) Em qual estado você mora? ____________________________________
- B) Em qual município você mora e qual sua naturalidade? _________________ / ___________
C) Escreva o nome de dois municípios próximos ao que você reside: ______________________________
- Espanhol - Fundamental | 2.3 Partes del Cuerpo y Adjetivos Calificativos (Partes do Corpo e Adjetivos Qualificativos)
Observa la pregunta hecha en un blog sobre los teléfonos móviles:
- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Dear Dish-It: What Are Jobs For A 10-Year-Old?
Dear Dish-It,
I’m 10 years old and I was wondering, what kind of jobs can a 10-year-old have? And not jobs around the house; I mean jobs that pay at least $10 a week – I’m saving up my money.
Dear candy123,
Good for you for wanting to start earning some money so you can save up! The good news is, you have the right attitude to start working (remember, work means responsibility and following through on your promises, so having a positive attitude is a must). The bad news is, there are laws that prevent kids from starting to work in “real” jobs (like at a store or in a factory) at too young an age. I’m afraid that 10 may be a little too young to get hired at a “real” workplace – but that doesn’t mean you need to forget about earning money until you’re older! I know you said you don’t want to do “jobs around the house,” but there are plenty of things you can do to earn at least $10 a week (if not more!) outside of your home and around your very own neighborhood! Check out these ideas – maybe you’ll like one of them, or maybe they will inspire you to think up a cool job you can do on your own!
Available at: <http://www.kidzworld.com/article/23638-dear-dish-it-what-are-jobs-for-a-10-year-old#ixzz3WHWAX2Q8> Accessed on: April 3rd, 2015. (Extract)
Why does Candy 123 want to start working? Because _______________________________________.
- Inglês - Fundamental | 15. Adjectives (Adjetivos)
Read the statements. Choose the correct answer.
- a. Today is hotter / colder than yesterday. I am going to put on a coat.
- b. Peter is funnier / more funny than his brother John. He makes everybody laugh.
- c. She ran 20 km last year. This year she went more far/ further 25 km.
- d. My math test was more easy / easier than I expected.
My sister is eleven and I am thirteen. She is more young / younger than me.