Here are a few ways that your actions can contribute to sustainability- Lifestyle Your lifestyle is your choice and you can change it. For example, when you go to the grocery store, make sure you always carry a cloth bag. This way the shopkeeper does not have to give you many plastic bags Fixing If your watch, or a toy, or a camera is broken or not working, try getting it fixed before you buy yourself a new one Recycle Try and be conscious about the things around you. When you consume something, see if you can re-use it later. Needs vs wants Before you buy something, ask yourself the question- do I NEED this or do I WANT it?
Remember sustainability begins with you. So act locally and think globally.
Can you find out some other products that are highly unsustainable? A vailable at Accessed on: Jun 12, 2016.
- a) Why is it important to take your own cloth bag when you go grocery shopping?
- b) Why fixing a broken watch is better than buying a new one?
- c) What is the difference between "need something" and "want something"?