Uma temperatura é tal que 18 (dezoito) vezes o seu valor na escala Celsius é igual a -10 (menos dez) vezes o seu valor na escala Fahrenheit. Determine essa temperatura.
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(ENEM 2011 2º APLICAÇÃO) Last Monday was a really awful day. I got to school late because I had missed the bus. Then I had a Math test and did badly because I hadn’t studied for it. Things went from bad to worse: while I was waiting for the bus home I realised I had lost my money so I had to walk home. I really wanted to go to the cinema with my parents that evening but by the time I got home they had already gone out. I put my dinner in the oven, went to watch TV and fell asleep. When I woke up an hour later, there was a terrible smell and smoke coming up the stairs: I had forgotten to take my dinner out of the oven.
ACEVEDO, A.; GOWER, M. High Flyer. Longman, 1996.
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Monks embrace web to reach recruits
Stew Milne for The New York Times
The Benedictine monks at the Portsmouth Abbey in Portsmouth have a problem. They are aging and their numbers have fallen to 12, from a peak of about 24 in 1969. So the monks have taken to the Internet with an elaborate ad campaign featuring videos, a blog and even a Gregorian chant ringtone. “If this is the way the younger generation are looking things up and are communicating, then this is the place to be”, said Abbot Caedmon Holmes, who has been in charge of the abbey since 2007. That place is far from the solitary lives that some may think monks live. In fact, in this age of social media, the monks have embraced what may be the most popular form of public self-expression: a Facebook page, where they have uploaded photos and video testimonials. Some monks will even write blogs.
MILNE, S. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jun. 2012 (adaptado).
A internet costuma ser um veículo de comunicação associado às camadas mais jovens da população, embora não exclusivamente a elas. Segundo o texto, a razão que levou os religiosos a fazerem uma campanha publicitária na internet foi o(a)
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Atlas geográfico escolar. 4.ed.Rio de Janeiro: IBGE, 2007.
Esse mapa nos dá uma ideia aproximada da localização das primeiras nações indígenas. Cada uma delas compreendia vários grupos menores, chamada tribos. A nação tupi, por exemplo, abrangia as tribos Caetés, Carijós, Potiguares, Tabajaras, Tamoios, Tupiniquim e dezenas de outros menores. O mesmo acontecia com as demais nações.
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