Um objeto é disposto em frente a uma lente convergente, conforme a figura abaixo. Os focos principais da lente são indicados com a letra F. Pode-se afirmar que a imagem formada pela lente
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- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
. Texto base: Read the excerpt from a NY Times report about volunteering in Brazil's World Cup 2014. Some of the 1,100-plus international volunteers were upset with big things: not receiving housing or having job training only in Portuguese. Others were bothered by small things, like not getting enough money for transportation to and from the stadiums on workdays or being restricted to one drink, one piece of fruit and one plate of food per meal. But what they really wanted was a chance to see the event that wouldn’t have been possible without the work they are doing for free. “They should at least give everyone a ticket, or have a section of seats for volunteers,” said Hans van de Vrugt, who finally received his credentials last week to volunteer at his 10th World Cup after showing up every day at Maracanã for more than two weeks. (Somehow FIFA or the local organizing committee did not have him in their computer systems despite his decades of service.) To pay for his trip, he had saved for a year, making money as a high school soccer referee in Arizona. In their first week here, van de Vrugt and a group of a half-dozen volunteers began to meet at a cafe near Maracanã, bonding over their shared disappointments. One volunteer from Eastern Europe, who took off nearly two months from his full-time job to donate his time here, said, “I’m sorry that I came thousands of miles for this.” Another, an American, said, “I thought I was lucky to be chosen as a volunteer, but now I’m not so sure.” Many volunteers who came from abroad worked nine-hour shifts or more. Sleeping six to a room was not unheard-of. One volunteer was mugged twice while staying in a rough part of town, the only neighborhood he could afford. Aside from van de Vrugt, who had not become one of the official volunteers yet but later appeared on a panel celebrating their contributions, none of the more than a dozen volunteers I spoke to at this World Cup allowed me to use his or her name for this column. They were not having fun, yet they still feared being kicked out of the program. That’s the power sports holds over some fans, and huge organizations like FIFA, soccer’s world governing body; the International Olympic Committee; and the N.F.L. have ingeniously harnessed people’s love of sports and community to fatten their pockets. Available at: <>. Nov. 9, 2014
According to the text:
- Língua Espanhola | 1. Interpretação de Textos
Sociedad responsable, medios responsables
[1] Con vertiginosidad se aprecia cómo el mundo es
invadido por los medios de comunicación de masas, que cobran
una relevancia especial gracias a los avances tecnológicos. La
[4] familia y la escuela pierden fuerza socializadora al mismo
tiempo que la ganan los medios de comunicación. Esta realidad
implica un desafío para los padres, la familia y la
[7] administración pública ya que la responsabilidad socializadora
es, por igual, de todos los agentes sociales, también de quienes
controlan el poder de los medios de comunicación y de las
[10] grandes cadenas de televisión. Nadie duda de la
responsabilidad legal de los medios de comunicación, pero
poco se habla de su responsabilidad moral y socializadora, de
[13] la importancia que sus mensajes y actuaciones poseen para
quebrar la pasividad, para incitar a la participación ciudadana.
Se hace urgente e imprescindible unir esfuerzos para que los
[16] grandes problemas del mundo en el siglo XXI, que
generalmente tienen que ver con la solidaridad y el respeto,
tanto hacia las personas como hacia el medio ambiente, estén
[19] presentes con criterios de interés global en los medios de
Internet: <> (con adaptaciones).
Con respecto a las ideas y estructuras del texto anterior, juzgue lo ítem siguiente.
Los posesivos “su” (l.12) y “sus” (l.13) se refieren al mismo poseedor dentro del texto.
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- Biologia | 15.1 Ideias Evolutivas
De acordo com a teoria sintética da evolução, a origem dos primeiros vertebrados terrestres ocorreu devido:
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Leia o anúncio a seguir.
No anúncio, está escrito que se o pedido não for entregue em 1 hora, o cliente não precisa pagar. Até que horas os pedidos abaixo deverão ser entregues? Complete o quadro a seguir: