A figura apresenta três possíveis transformações de fase de um gás, desde o estado a até o estado c. Na transformação de a até c, ao longo do caminho curvo do diagrama PV, o trabalho realizado pelo gás é de W = −35J e o calor absorvido pelo gás é Q = −63J. Ao longo do caminho abc, o trabalho realizado pelo gás é de W = −48J.
Com base na figura, no enunciado e nos conhecimentos sobre o assunto, considere as afirmativas a seguir.
I. Para o caminho abc, a quantidade de calor Q absorvida pelo gás vale −76J.
II. Se a pressão Pc = 0,5Pb, o trabalho W para o caminho cda vale 14J.
III. Se a diferença de energia interna Ud − Uc = 15J, a quantidade de calor Q cedida para o caminho da vale 15J.
IV. Se a diferença de energia interna Ud − Uc = 5J, a quantidade de calor Q cedida para o caminho da vale 23J.
Assinale a alternativa correta.
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(UCS) Special delivery
The other day in our mailbox there was a letter from Auntie Anne. She is nearing 80 and does not know how important Facebook has become. She is not interested in Twittering and does not see the use of Internet. She is addicted to pen and paper.
Every other week for the past 30 years I have sat down and written a letter to her. I started writing to her when I was 10 and she was living at Lake Ranch in the interior of British Columbia. Her letters were full of what Uncle Willi was doing. He was a cowboy and he rode quarter horses every day, moving cattle and watching out for rattle-snakes.
Her correspondence was like a novel 1whose main characters were my family, and I still have every letter. My letters were full of school in Victoria and family and ballet. I learned to 2pack mine with 3whatever I thought was important. She would write back with questions and slowly I learned how to tell a story. I also learned about the paraphernalia of letter writing, keeping my address book current, having a ready supply of paper, envelopes and stamps.
I caught the letter-writing bug myself. While still home in Victoria and studying at university, I wrote to friends who were studying and living in France and China. We shared our 4hopes and travels, and chronicled our love lives. I have boxes filled with their letters.
Once graduated from university, I packed my backpack and traveled around the world. My letters reached Auntie Anne from Asia and Europe. Places she had never seen, but 7was keen to hear all about. When 8I was homesick, letters from my family would find me everywhere and I would feel like the world was smaller. Someone out there cared.
Nowadays most wired people muse that 9snail mail is not all that relevant any more. Nobody uses the mail these days, they say. When was the last time someone 5actually wrote a letter? But what about postcards when you travel? What about the small businesses who rely on cheques in the mail? What about all those charities needing funds to carry on? What about all those things you order online? Who makes them come right to your door?
Now that the kids are out of school it seems the perfect time to get them to write to Auntie Anne. I coach them on the rules of writing to her. She does not like fancy paper any more. She thinks it is better to recycle a flyer from the mailbox or the back of the newsletter from my daughter´s preschool. We need to always use the formal salutation “dear” and formal closing “love”, because being dear to someone and telling them we love them is what we all want to get in the mail.
Auntie Anne always includes a note for each child with questions of their own to answer in a letter back to her. They usually carry her notes around and use them for bookmarkers for days afterward or dance around holding the letter in their hands.
I keep an addressed envelope on the kitchen counter ready in case I see a clipping from the newspaper I know Auntie Anne will be interested in, or a nice bit of artwork from the children or perhaps even a note written by them.
10As I mail my 6parcel to Auntie Anne, perhaps in the next week or so we will receive another letter from her. Because if we want a letter, we must first write one.
(KOVACH, P. R. Special delivery. The globe and the mail, Canada, July 12, 2011. – Texto adaptado.)
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Texto base: Leia a crônica do Luis Fernando Veríssimo e responda a questão: Complô Mal chegou no céu, o gaúcho pediu para falar com Deus. Queria fazer uma queixa. Deus estava em reunião e o gaúcho foi encaminhado a São Pedro. São Pedro estava na sala de comando meteorológico. Era ali, cercado por sua equipe à frente de painéis sofisticadíssimos, que São Pedro dirigia o tempo do mundo. ― O que é? Disse São Pedro, sem olhar para o gaúcho. Prestava atenção numa tela à sua frente. ― Estão contra nós ― queixou-se o gaúcho. ― Quem? ― Todo mundo. ― Bobagem. ― Verdade. Veja só o que tem nos acontecido. E, seguindo São Pedro pela sala enquanto este ajustava controles e checava mostradores, o gaúcho contou tudo que tinha feito ao Rio Grande do Sul nos últimos tempos. Tudo. Concluiu dizendo que aquilo só podia ser uma campanha organizada. Um complô contra o Rio Grande! ― Paranoia ― sentenciou São Pedro. ― Fazem pouco de nós. Nós... Mas São Pedro o interrompeu com um gesto. Apontou para uma tela. ― Veja. Por coincidência, vamos programar o tempo no Rio Grande do Sul para as próximas horas. E São Pedro passou a dar ordens a seus comandados. ― Grandes nuvens negras! ― Grandes nuvens negras ― confirmou o encarregado do setor. ― Relâmpagos espetaculares. ― Relâmpagos espetaculares. ― Trovões retumbantes! ― Trovões retumbantes. O gaúcho entusiasmado chegou a ficar na ponta dos pés, de tão ansioso, esperando a ordem final de São Pedro. ― E atenção ― disse São Pedro. Todos esperavam a ordem. São Pedro fechou os olhos, como que buscando inspiração, e ficou assim por uns instantes. Depois decretou: ― Chuviscos. Houve risadas generalizadas da equipe. Quando saía da sala, o gaúcho viu, com o rabo dos olhos, São Pedro tapar a boca para não rir também. O complô era mais amplo do que se imaginava. (VERISSIMO, L. F. Mais comédias para ler na escola. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2008. p. 73 – 74)
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